“Why have you summoned me here instead of our room where I can strip you of this gown with my teeth?”

She shivered at the image he provoked. “I have a surprise for you.”

“The surprise had better be that you banished everyone within viewing distance, otherwise many of our servants are about to get a show.”

“Try to contain yourself, husband.”Sparkling butterflies.

“Try not to look so irresistible, wife.”Sigh.

Pulling away, she situated him so that he was facing the perfect direction. “Do you remember our Faieara friends?”

One suspicious brown rose.

“I asked them for a couple of favors. I hope you don’t mind.”


She bit her lip, suddenly nervous that her idea wasn’t as grand as she’d first imagined. Still, nothing to do about it now. She turned to signal for the lights and in the next moment the entire courtyard was illuminated.

Tristan glanced past her, his expression curious at first, then a little stunned. Situated at the center of everything was an intricate statue of two dragons tangled in mid-flight, one pure white marble, the other deep jade, their tails intertwined in a loving embrace. When June had first seen it, she’d been absolutely blown away by the flawless detail and accuracy translated from a handful of still photos that Orik had help her to gather of Tristan and a few he’d snapped of her in her dragon form.

Tristan approached the sculpture, which stood just a few feet taller than he did, and peered up at it with thin-pressed lips.

June ran a self-conscious hand over the back of her neck. “I know I’m not adept at flying yet, and my landings still leave something to be desired, but one day I hope to dance with you in the sky.”

He reached out to trace the curved spine of the marble dragon, then he gazed down at her, something inscrutable shifting behind his eyes. Her cheeks flared under his pensive scrutiny. She fought the urge to fidget. Then, with sure hands, he lifted her by the waist and spun her in the air before setting her on her feet and murmuring in her ear, “Until then, I will dance with you anywhere you like.”

Their lips met in a blood-searing kiss that convinced her he was about to caveman-style throw her over his shoulder and heave her back to their room when he pulled back. “I have something for you too.”

“You do?”

He nodded and reached into his pocket.

“Wait, my gift has another part.”

He glanced up. “Oh?”

Grabbing him by the hand, she pulled him to where a flat screen had been set up. As they approached, the scree flipped on, playing a recorded image of Kyra’s heart-wrenching speech during the treaty ceremony. When Kyra spoke of his father, the camera landed on Tristan, showing the unfettered pride and love in his eyes.

“This is being broadcasted all over the kingdom. I thought it was important for your people to see their powerful leader in action, honoring your father and the Faieara alliance.”

“You truly amaze me.”

Smiling, she dipped her head to hide a blush. “So, what did you get me?”

He retrieved a small box from his pocket, a red bow decorating the top. “This must have arrived at the same time as your gifts. You see, Cale found it in the throne room back on Evlon.”

Her eyes glittered with unshed tears as she peeled off the lid to find Jordan’s Swiss army knife settled in a bed of tissue paper.

“It came with a note that readyou’re lucky I already have one.”

“Oh my god,” she breathed, and went on her tiptoes to gift him with a sweet kiss. “Thank you.”

“I love you, June of Earth, my ice queen.”

“And I love you, my dragon king, for forever and a day.”
