“I’m sure you will, but for now, you have much more important business to contend with. Namely my throbbing—”

She silenced him with a kiss. “Oh, we’re both going to feel very good soon.” Pushing him to his back, she straddled him and rocked her hips in a way that made his eyes roll back in his head.

“Unh…so good. So damn beautiful.” He reached up to fondle her breasts, lovingly tweaking her left nipple with his thumb. She cried out, working her body until a frenzy took them both. He gripped her hips with his big hands and guided her up and down his shaft, making her chest jiggle as she bounced atop him. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re going to make me…unh…”

Suddenly she found her back against sand as he shoved himself in her again and again with a maddening pace that sparked the start of her orgasm. “Oh God! Oh God! Yes!

His torso went stiff, yet his pace increased, his big body driving her into the sand, his grunts in her ear, his breath fanning her neck. Then she felt the heat of his release just as her orgasm streaked through her. “Aaahh!”

He took her lips, swallowing the sound with his kiss as their bodies soared on the wings of ecstasy until they both shattered under the weight of a pleasure so intense, there was no discerning where his began and hers ended.

Finally the sensations ebbed, and after several long moments, Tristan rolled off her, his back landing on the silky sand, his breaths staggered. “You have my heart, June. Now and forever. It’s just resting in the palm of your hand. Mind it well.”

“Tristan.” She shifted to lie half across his chest, gazing up at him. “I want magical stay-on-you-after-you-shift-into-a-dragon clothes.”

“Is that all you were thinking about?”

“That was part of what I was thinking about. The other part of me was marveling at how wonderful you are, and how much I love you, and how happy I am with you, and how you also have my heart in the palm of your hand so you had better be fucking gentle with it…and I want magical clothes.”

He laughed. “I will get you the all the magic clothes you could ever wear.”


June was quickly gaining the title of Ice Queen. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that since she’d thought she projected a rather warm demeanor. But then, the moniker had nothing to do with her personality. The night of her transformation, many in the village had spotted her return trip to the castle—a pure white dragon in the sky. A rarity, apparently.

To top it off, the rumor of her breathing ice had spread, ironically, like wildfire, along with her unique dragon appearance. She supposed Ice Queen had a certain ring to it. It certainly didn’t sound weak. And in a culture obsessed with strength and power, it could only help her cause.

No one could quite explain how she’d been brought back from the brink of death but to say it surely was a mighty bit of powerful magic—there were whispers of black magic—that could take a dragon’s soul and meld it with another to form something new. She didn’t subscribe to the idea that she had been saved by black magic. As far as her own philosophy was concerned, black magic didn’t save lives, but, admittedly, she didn’t understand much about how magic in general, so she kept her opinions to herself.

Whatever kind of magic it was, there was no doubt she was changed…right down to her DNA. According to the physicians that had been brought in to examine her, she was no different than a born dragon. She could live just as long as Tristan. Yet she didn’tfeelall that different than before.I’m still me. She was just a stronger, less mortal version of herself. But it was weird to think her soul had been altered.

She couldn’t be sure—there had been two slain dragons to pull a soul from that night—but it would be the ultimate irony if it had been Belinda’s soul that had saved her in the end. There’d been no way to verify if June’s sword had ended Belinda as quickly as Tristan had ruthlessly dispatched the soldier he’d fought.

Luckily—as of yet—there was no whispering voices in her head from, say, a vengeful shield maiden.

No one had seen the white-haired witch since that night. While everyone had been distracted by June’s dramatic transformation, she had apparently slipped out of the castle unseen. June would love to thank the woman and offer her sanctuary under her ownroyalprotection, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever see the woman again. It didn’t help that Tristan had repeatedly threatened her savior’s life. There was a lot of mistrust between the witches and the dragons. June hoped to remedy that somehow, or at least ease the tension. Peace had to start somewhere.

Her wedding to Tristan had been an absolute dream. Though the ceremony had been a shockingly quick affair—so quick, June’s head had spun. The officiant had simply tied their hands together with a swath of something that resembled silk and declared them husband and wife.

But the aftermath was what really blew her away. The entire kingdom had attended the ceremony. Tried to, anyway. The crowd had leaked out into the streets surrounding the palace. Everyone cheered when she and Tristan had raised their entangled hands. Then she had pulled him in for a searing kiss that seemed to shock the onlookers. He, however, had speared her with a molten gaze that promised delicious satisfaction later. He had not disappointed.

Not everyone had believed the rumor about Tristan and his father. In fact, most of his subjects—now her subjects…gut clench—had disregarded the notion as nonsense. Still, once everything had settled down June meant to keep it that way. Her first venture had been to secretly enlist the help of Orik, who was swiftly becoming one of her favoritesubjects. Though he was really more like family to Tristan. She’d learned that Orik had practically been adopted by the old king at a young age and had grown up with Tristan and his biological brothers…only one of whom she’d met on her wedding day.

Tristan’s older brother, Gavin, had the same warrior build and similar features. He’d been nice enough, complimenting her on a wonderful ceremony—though the credit was due mostly to their mother—and merrily ribbing his brother on having the good sense to trap a woman who was clearly far too good for him, but there was something forlorn about the man. She wondered if he, too, blamed himself for his father’s death.

Shortly after the wedding, Gavin had flown back to the island he’d sequestered himself on, according to Tristan. A self-imposed purgatory?

Tristan’s younger brother, Prince Lear, had, unfortunately, been unable to attend. He was off in space somewhere gearing up for a grand, intergalactic space race called Phase Nine. It sounded terribly exciting. He did manage to make time for a long-distance transmission so that he could introduce himself to his newsister. Lear had an easygoing and fun-loving manner that reminded her of Jordan. When he’d called her sister, a shiver had coursed through her, the realization hitting her that she once more had…a family. A fierce joy had settled in her heart, and an equally fierce protectiveness had spouted within her. She would do anything to keep her new family safe. She loved them all already. As for Earth, there was nothing for her there. Everything she wanted was here.

At the moment, she was eagerly awaiting her husband—husband!Sparkling butterflies danced in her stomach every time she thought of him that way—under the courtyard terrace. The two moons glittered in the clear sky. She was impatient to reveal her wedding present to him. She was dressed in a powder-blue princess gown with a sweetheart neckline—he was right, his mother was going overboard on the dresses. Already she might never have to wear the same one twice. Her new stepmother was delighted to finally have another female in the family, and it didn’t matter one bit that June had originated on Earth.

The other day, Edel had ushered June into an elegantly lit room guarded by no less than four heavily armed guards and secured by an honest-to-god Scrooge McDuck style vault where the royal jewels were kept.

Wearing a self-satisfied expression, Edel had spread her arms out and instructed June to pick out whatever she liked. Jewels of every color and shade sat sparkling under the soft display lights; necklaces and earrings and rings and every other adornment one could imagine. She could be dripping in ice for the rest of her life if that was what she wanted. Tonight she wore the simple white-gold snowflake charm necklace Tristan had had made for her.

She spotted him then, across the courtyard, exiting the castle. As he approached, a contagious smile spread over her lips. She twirled for him, showing off her figure in the dress. In the next moment, she was in his arms, his lips slanting over hers. “You look gorgeous tonight, my love.”

“Thank you,” she returned.