Pressure coiled low in her belly. Her head began to thrash. “I wouldn’t know the first thing about being a royal”

“Irrelevant.” He leaned down to tongue her breast. Pleasure rolled over her body, forcing another moan from her. “I can teach you.”

Of their own accord, her hips rocked in rhythm to his touch, and together they found a pace that drove waves and waves of pleasure up her spine. “Ahh, God, Tristan! I’m coming!”

Mercilessly, he continued stroking her and sucking her, drawing out her orgasm. When her body went limp, he screwed a third finger into her, and the pressure began to build once more.

“Do you know what I thought when I first saw you on that ship?” he asked, watching her face as she fought to reject the pleasure. “I thought you were bewitching me by how intensely I was attracted you. I thought you were a creature conjured from my wickedest dreams and made flesh.”

“Oh, God! Oh, God.” The cresting pleasure became a flame, sizzling through her core and making her body quake.

Leaning down, he ran his tongue across her lips and then spoke against them. “You were the most beautiful thing I’d ever beheld.”

“Tristan,ah!” she cried out, his words and his actions forcing another orgasm from her. As the pleasure hummed through her, she opened her eyes to gaze up at him. He looked excited and enamored, and nowhere near done.

“Are you ready to accept me, love?”

“This is ridiculous. You can’t make me want to marry you.”

All confidence, he replied. “You already want to, but for some reason you think you can’t or shouldn’t. Why?” Going to his knees, he shimmied off her panties and positioned himself between her legs. She shuddered, the pleasure slowly dulling but still riding her nerves.

She shook her head. “I’m not a dragon.”

“I don’t care about that. What else have you got?” With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he lowered himself until he hovered just above her core. He glanced up with a fierce expression, his eyes flashing green, like emerald fire.

Her muscles clenched with anticipation. “Tristan, we just wouldn’t work.”

“This doesn’t work for you?” He buried his face between her thighs, lashing her with his tongue again and again. Once more, she tripped toward orgasm…pressure building…furrowing inside her, tightening…tightening…

Tormenting ecstasy tore through her, crashing against her nerves. Another lash of his tongue forced a scream from her lungs. Her head thrashed, her hair whipping.Too much, she thought.Too much!And yet she didn’t want him to stop. The devilish gleam in his eye said he didn’t plan on it. He was enjoying this far too much, which made her wonder what other dark desires he’d been holding back. And why, even after her three orgasms, was her body not even remotely sated.

Tristan was relentless, liking and sucking and snarling against her flesh, driving her to another release that sent her flying once more. Her body quaked and shuddered as pleasure exploded in her brain, and still he continued.

“Please! No more. No more.” Every touch of his tongue against her clitoris was like a white-hot whip of ecstasy, and soon she was coming for him again, shrieking as pleasure assaulted every nerve in her being.

Sweat coating her skin, she begged, “Please. I can’t take anymore.”

He briefly lifted his head. “Tell my why you will no’ marry me.” Then he continued his barrage. She twisted her hips to evade him, but his mighty arms hooked around her thighs and he held her still as he devoured her. The fire turned molten as yet another release snapped through her, this one more potent and dire than all the others combined. Her back bowed, her toes curled, she fought her restraints. And as she fell apart for him, he demanded, “Tell me!”

“Because I’m not worthy!”

He released her then and went to his knees. She melted into the mattress, lightheaded and dazed, gazing up at him. What would he think of her admission?

A hard crease cut between his brows. “Not worthy? How utterly ridiculous.”

Hurt, she glanced away. He crawled over her and waited until she looked at him. When she did, his voice was pure temptation. “Why do you think this?”

She sighed.Might as well tell him the truth. “I don’t come from a good family,” she confessed.

“Aye, your father was a snake, but this is no’ your fault.”

Lowering her gaze, she added. “It’s not just him. I’ve done things. Things that would make you think differently of me.”

“Your family, who you were in the past, it means nothing now.” He leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

His tenderness brought tears to her eyes. “You don’t know what I’ve done.”

He reached up and undid the knots at her wrists. “Would you like to tell me?”