Was she hallucinating or had the geniuses on earth actually somehow managed to track her down?

With an instant jolt of adrenaline, she jumped up and rushed to the front window, eyes darting wildly over the black expanse, but nothing was there beyond the billions of stars. She waited….waited…


She turned in place. “Hello? I’m here! I’m here! Hello?” But the voice had gone quiet. Had the voice been a dream? No. She couldn’t believe she’d gone insane yet.

Lunging for the closest computer console, she frantically pressed anything that looked as though it might let her be heard. “Hello? Can you hear me? My name is June—”

An explosion rocked the ship, knocking her off her feet. She crashed down, landing on her side as a scream ripped from her lungs.What the hell was that?If nothing else, it was proof someone was out there. Someone had come for her. She didn’t think past that as she sprang to her feet and resumed pressing every button in sight, hoping to let whoever it was that she was here.

Something outside caught her eyes. Icy dread shimmied up her spine. She got the sickly impression that the ship closing in was not of Earth.

This wasn’t a rescue; this was an abduction. “Oh god! They’re going to probe and dissect me!” She’d have preferred evisceration.

A volley of explosions knocked her to the ground once more and the soft hum of the ship that she’d grown so used to snapped into dead silence, the rushing of her blood now the only thing she could hear. She crawled along the floor toward her backpack where she retrieved a small Swiss army knife that had belonged to Jordan.

Suddenly darkness righted. She screeched. Then a bright floodlight erupted from somewhere—the foreign ship—and illuminated every inch of space around her in a green hue.

Like a carnivorous beast slowly pulling its prey to its doom. Closer…closer…


Her body shook with the most potent terror that had ever taken hold of her. As if she could wish herself out of existence, she huddled on the ground, clutching the only weapon she had, a two-inch blade with a pathetically dull edge.

Like a great hungry mouth cutting into the face of that ship, a large panel slowly opened and her craft was enveloped—a mere insect by comparison. Moments later, a jostling in the floor beneath her feet indicated the ship had settled. Noises sounded, echoing from somewhere. Tools? Was someone drilling through the hull? Was that a hatch opening? Then came the sound of marching feet, dozens, hundreds maybe. Who could tell? All she knew was an army of aliens were coming for her. But wait. Hadn’t they spoken English? Yet she couldn’t deny her body perceived a threat.

Her heart pounded.What should I do?

Too late. They were in front of her, dressed in dark gear, their faces covered, their bodies surprisingly shaped like humans with two arms and two legs. They resembled soldiers, each carrying a weapon the way one would carry a rifle, but these were not rifles. They were something else. Something more advanced.

Until now, the idea of a rescue must have lived in her somewhere, because when the soldiers surrounded her, weapons drawn, the last little bit of hope drained from her body, and she closed her eyes…waiting.

“Make way.” A deep voice resonated from behind the soldiers. She glanced up, still surprised to find she could understand him. Was he…could they be from Earth after all? Then she saw him—a massive male with a perfectly toned physique that many athletes would kill for, shoving his way through the throng of soldiers, his expression full of viscous wrath.

He didn’t wear a uniform like the others. Instead he wore a cap-sleeve tunic that was laced down the front with thick cord and held tight to his waist by a wide belt with an ornate metal buckle. His hair was a bit ruffled and framed his face. And, oh, boy, was he brutally beautiful. The devil himself would be envious; chiseled jaw, sculpted cheekbones, and stern eyes that could slay with a look.

Perhaps he was the devil. His stormy gray eyes burned with menace and promised no mercy.


Abit of cold vengeance was chased away as Tristan glowered down at the tiny female crouched on the floor, terrified and confused. She looked like a wild thing with her tangled mane of dark wavy hair and dirt-smudged skin. Wild and gorgeous. She wore a pair of dark-green shorts that exposed her shapely legs and a white strappy shirt that displayed an impossibly luscious figure that could only have been yanked from his most lascivious dreams.

He shook his head, surprised by his thoughts.

Was this hapless creature the life form they’d detected? He caught sight of a small blade clutched in her fist and narrowed his gaze at the paltry threat. “Where is the Kayadon?”

He noticed that she wore no shoes. Her socks were sullied as though she’d been wearing them for weeks. And was that the face of a whiskered animal embroidered on the sides?

“Th-the what?” Her stark eyes widened up at him as if he were Death in the flesh, her irises the color of a shallow lagoon.

It was recently rumored that the Kayadon could shift forms, much like his own people, but that notion was shrouded in mystery. Was this a guise? A beguilingly beautiful guise meant to soften him and force him to lower his guard?

He couldn’t take the chance. He raised his blaster.

She squeaked and curled into herself, bringing her legs to her chest and covering her head with her arms.

“Doona lie to me, female. Your ship is headed to Evlon. I demand to know why.”