She threw her arms around him. “No one has ever done anything like this for me.” That Tristan would go through all this trouble warmed her heat and had it soaring higher than clouds.

He kissed the top of her head. “You’re welcome. I hope you’re still hungry. I did not know you would gorge yourself on sweets before,” he teased.

She waved that away. “I’m determined to eat everything here just to show you how much I appreciate it.”

“Then I predict I will be carrying you back home rather than flying.”

She laughed. “What did you have them pack?”

“I told them to surprise us.” Together they rummaged through the baskets, pulling out wrapped sandwiches, desserts, and even a few warm dishes that resembled pasta. Tristan poured them both a flute of wine. It hit her tongue with a blast of flavor. Then they sampled a bit of everything before lying back on the blanket to watch the sun set and the stars emerge. The evening had been nothing short of magical.

How was she ever going to give this up? How could she return to Earth knowing she had left the wonders of this place, this man, behind? Was Tristan only being so romantic with her because he knew their expiration date was fast approaching?

The thought threatened her joy, so she pushed it away. But Tristan must have seen something on her face. “Everything okay?”

She forced a smile. “I’ve just never been so happy.”

“Me either,” he admitted, surprising her. “You make me happy, June.”

Her heart felt as though it would burst from her chest.

“What do you think about…” he trailed of and then tried again. “What do you think of my planet so far?” he asked.

“I love it,” she breathed, their eyes locked.

“Enough to stay?”

She sat up. “Stay?”

He seemed to grow unsure then. “Just a little longer. I mean, you don’t have to rush home, do you?”

“I um, no, I guess not.” For a moment, she thought he’d been asking her to remain here with him permanently. What would she have said if he had?

At her words, he blessed her with that sexy smile that she loved and she leaned over to reward him with a kiss, sweeping her lips across his. He slanted his head, deepening the kiss and pulling her closer into the curve of his body.

“I want you,” she breathed.Forever, she added to herself.

“I am yours,” he replied, delighting her, but she knew it was only a half-truth. He was hers for now. For how long, she didn’t know. But tonight, she would let the lie burrow its way inside her and live for a bit. She would let herself believe it. She would make him believe it, too.

As they kissed, she reached between them and worked the buckle of his pants open. He went for the zipper of her dress, drawing it down her back while she tried to shove his pants down over his waist. Both garments removed, he shrugged out of his shirt, and then paused to gaze at her body, clad in only her frilly underwear.

“Beautiful,” he growled, his eyes flashing green, reminding her of both the man and the dragon.

Then his tongue was on her breast, sucking and nipping as he kneaded the other. She moaned, arching her back to give him better access. She reveled in the sensation, letting him play for the moment, but she had something more wicked in mind.

Before his ministrations turned her to putty, she placed her hand on his chest and directed him to lie back. He did, his gaze darting between her face and her breasts as if he was reluctant to let them go. Then she moved to straddle him, leaning down to give his lips a teasing sweep of her tongue before she muttered in his ear, “I’m about to rock your world.”

As she swept down his body, he went up on his elbows. She knew her expression was somewhat sinister. “Are you about to be wicked with me?” he rasped.

On her way, she flicked his nipple with her tongue. His body jolted and a little groan left him. When she glanced up, his expression was nothing short of carnal, eager, and filled with barely contained lust.

Slowly, to prolong the sweet torture, she kissed her way down his stomach, stopping just above his bellybutton to nip his exposed flesh. His muscles constricted and she felt the tip of his erection jerk against her the hollow of her throat. Her nipples budded at the thought of tasting him, the feel of him in her mouth as she drove him to orgasm.

Taking the base of him in her grasp, she felt his entire body go stiff. Watching his reaction, she rubbed her cheek along the soft mushroom tip. Intense shudders raked his body, his expression filled with adoring fever and intensity.

When she ran her tongue up the length of him, she was sure he would explode right then. “June, love, I canna take this torture!”

The sound of his agony made her feel powerful but, feeling benevolent, she closed her lips around his shaft and sucked, hard. He hit the back of her throat.