“He’s already dead,” she whispered, tears prickling. She worked to choke them back and buried that memory deep in the darkest most secure pit of her mind where it couldn’t hurt her. There was no going back. There was no changing the past.

Pinching her chin, Tristan tilted her head to examine her face. “You weep for the monster after he failed you in the worst way?”

“I’m not sad that he’s dead,” she said as an errant tear spilled from one eye.

He cupped her cheek and gently wiped away the tear with his thumb. “No?”

She shook her head and once more placed her cheek against his chest, hiding her face. “I didn’t mean to get emotional. I’m sorry. Let’s talk of something else, please. How about you tell me aboutyourfather. I bet he was wonderful.”

Silence lingered for a moment before Tristan relented. “He was.”

“Do you mind talking about him?”

“No. He was a good man. A good father and a good king. Benevolent, but strong. He would never abide a man like your father. We are people of honor and abuse like what you speak of is a form of dishonor. The abuser would be treated harshly, either banished or in some cases sentenced to death.”


“Aye. My people have no mercy for those who have no honor.”

She turned cheeky. “Well, I hope I honored you tonight.”

A chuckle rippled through his chest. “You’ll honor me again if I have my way.” Gripping her ass in one rough hand, he lifted her to straddle him and pulled her down for a searing kiss—

A sudden chirping sound drew their attention.

Tristan sighed. “That’s my communicator. I must take this.”

“Sure. Okay.” She slid off of him.

Shuffling off the bed, he crossed to a dresser and tapped a few buttons on a device that reminded her of an Earth tablet. “Prince Gideon. It is later here. What do you need?”

She couldn’t see the screen, but a voice fizzed through the speakers. “Only to relay some alarming information, Highness. Witches have been spotted near your castle and a youngling has gone missing.”

“Witches don’t usually go after children,” Tristan said, concerned lacing his tone.

“We don’t know for sure if they took him, but the search is ongoing. And there’s something else…” The voice trailed off.

“What is it?”

“A rumor is spreading about you, Your Majesty…” Again the voice trailed off, as if this rumor could be worse than a missing child.

“Out with it, Prince Gideon.”

“Some in the clan suspect you of killing your father to take power.”

June gasped. Tristan looked as though he’d been gut-punched.

“Is someone there with you, Tristan?”

“No,” he snapped, and June pinched her lips closed, pulling the covers up over her breasts as though she needed to shield herself from the unseeing eyes. “Who has started this nasty rumor?”

“I doona know. Only that we await your return so we might clear this up swiftly.”

“We will begin the journey home as soon as we are able.”

“Very good. If I am going to tie my line to yours, I’d rather not have such a scandal hanging over us.”

Tristan ended the transmission and slumped in a nearby chair, looking gutted. Not knowing what to say, June remained quiet.