She sighed with relief and then reached out for it, but he snatched it back and returned it to his pocket. “You expect me to give you a weapon? Even one as ineffectual as this?”

Her eyes flashed with indignation. “It’s mine.”

Ignoring that, he moved on and waited for her to catch up. “Did you really expect to protect yourself with this paltry thing?”

“It wasn’t really for protection.”

“Yet, with only this as your defense, you went hiking where animals could rip out your throat?”

“I wasn’t in an area with those kinds of predators. The worst I had to worry about were squirrels and deer. Can I please just have it?”

“You’ll have it back when we return you to Earth.”

“But like you said, it’s an ineffectual weapon. It’s not like I can hurt you with it.”

He laughed. “I am no’ worried for myself.”

“Then what are you worried about?”

“Poor little creatures like that.” He pointed to a small Knoth, watching them from a low branch, nearly camouflaged by the bark that matched its rough brown skin and twig-like limbs. Their big black eyes were the easiest way to spot them.

June squinted in the direction he indicated and then screeched like a wildling. The sound disturbed a cluster of the tiny creatures that had been tentatively following behind them. When she noticed them gathered at her feet, her screech turned supersonic and she made the only logical escape: by climbing up Tristan’s body. Her arms hooked his neck, her legs clamped his waist. Her skirt tumbled down behind her, the slit nearly riding too high for modesty.

Without thinking, he supported her by cupping her backside…gripping warm flesh. Her body jerked at his touch and they faced each other in tense silence.

Then her eyes flashed dangerously. “Get your hands off my ass.”

“Get your legs off my waist,” he countered roughly.

Her gaze flicked at the cluster of Knoths, cocking their heads cautiously from behind thick leaves. “Do they bite?” she asked.

“Yes,” he shamelessly lied, enjoying her position too much. He hiked her higher up and could swear he felt the fabric of her panties through his trousers. His cock perked up. “Perhaps you are safer where you are.”

Her gaze narrowed, yet the faint scent of her intoxicating arousal filled his nostrils. When she spoke, her words came breathier than before. “I don’t believe you. I bet they’re as harmless as bunnies.”

“Then should I set you down? The ruckus you’ve made have attracted more of them. I believe they can smell fear.”

Her grip on him tightened, her entire body pressing harder into his.Mercy. “Tristan, please.”

He nearly groaned at the sound his name pouring off her tongue. He let an impish grin slip and she zeroed in on his lips.

Ire lit behind her eyes, making them all but sparkle with irritation. “You are all the same.”

“Who? Dragons?”

“Men. You do all your thinking sub-level.”

Then her devious lips curled at the edges and her fiery gaze captured his…as she reached down and slipped her hand into his pocket. He swallowed hard, her nimble fingers close…so close. “A little lower, sweetheart.”

Her unsteady breaths fanned his face, drawing him closer to those lush lips of hers.

He knew he should stop this. Even as he debated which tree to push her up against.


Brandishing a triumphant grin, June retracted her Swiss army knife from Tristan’s pocket and then tapped the butt of it on his nose. “Mine.”

Anger replaced the dim lust that had been building in his gaze, and for a moment, June registered the foolishness of her actions. She’d put herself in a compromising position with a stranger—let’s face it, alien—who was clearly stronger than her…and they were alone.