Page 93 of Little Lies

“What is my sister doing here?”

I follow his gaze, noting Lavender, Lovey, Lacey, and BJ sitting in the stands behind our parents. I don’t know when they arrived, or if they’ve been there the entire time, but this is definitely a first for Lavender. Lovey and Lacey come to the occasional game, and BJ does too, when he isn’t busy napping or practicing.

“Dunno. Maybe she has plans with the twins tonight.” I hope not, though. I sort of had it in my head that tonight I’d get to put my hands on her. Finally.

I shift my focus back to the ice, but I can feel Mav’s eyes on me. He chuckles quietly. I fight not to glance his way and fail.

“Looks like you finally got your head out of your ass, then.”

I don’t have a chance to respond to that, because we’re called back out on the ice. The rest of the game is a blur, but I score two goals to their one at the beginning of the third, and we manage to keep the lead, giving us the win. Coach is happy with our performance, and I have to say, I am too.

Our parents don’t stick around long after the game since it’s late, and they have to drive home. My mom gives me a hug, despite my being sweaty and disgusting, and murmurs something about calling later in the week and being safe. Lavender’s dad wears an expression that makes my balls want to crawl up inside my body, and her mom is smirking, like she knows every single thought in my head.

Lavender hangs back with Lovey, Lacey, and BJ, her cheeks flushing every time one of them leans in to whisper something to her. She’s always been a different person behind closed doors, but now I’m learning exactly how different she is.

BJ says they’re going out for something to eat because he’s starving, which is always the case, so we wave goodbye for now.

The locker room is loud and rowdy with excitement over the win, and a bunch of the guys want to hit the bar and get their party on.

Mav pulls his shirt over his head and runs his fingers through his wet hair. “When were you planning to tell me?” He doesn’t sound angry, just conversational.

“Tonight. After the game.”

“How long has this been going on?” He chuckles. “I guess that’s actually a pretty pointless question, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?” I button my jeans.

He gives me a look. “Come on, Kody. You’ve been in love with Lavender since before you understood the concept. We all knew it, our parents knew it, and then they got paranoid and shit about it and messed things up for all of us. We’ve all been waiting for the two of you to figure it out and deal with it.”

I’m a little stunned, since he’s never once brought this up. “Why didn’t you say anything before now?”

“Conflict of interest, man. She’s my little sister; you’re my best friend. And I didn’t want to get in the middle of whatever it was, so I chose to stay out of it altogether. Not that it was easy, because you have to be the two most stubborn, obtuse people I’ve ever met in my damn life. Besides, everyone’s always been up in Lavender’s business, interfering when they shouldn’t, and I wasn’t about to be another one of those people. She’s fully capable of managing herself and has been for a long time.”

His expression turns serious. “I was never worried about her being able to handle you. It wasyoubeing able to handle you when you’rewith herthat was always the issue. Just find the balance, Kody. And stop torturing yourself for the past. It doesn’t help either of you move forward.”

We finish getting changed and head out to the car. We drove in together, so the awkward ratchets up a couple of notches when I check my messages and find one from Lavender letting me know which diner they’re at.

“You want me to drop you off at home, or . . .” I let it hang.

“And miss this epic moment in all of our lives? Hell to the fuck no.”

“You really don’t have to come,” I tell him.

Mav slides into the passenger seat. “Like you’re getting off that easy. Besides, I’m available. After that date-night fiasco, I called things off with Carly. I don’t want her to think it’s going to turn into something when it’s not. I don’t need the clinginess or the headache, especially with this being my last year.”

“But you’ve still been out somewhere. So who have you been seeing if it’s not Carly?”

“Just some chick. She’s not into the party scene, though, so it’s easier to keep it low-key.”

The late-night breakfast place is ridiculously busy. It’s midnight, and although it’s not a weekend, this is still a popular hangout for the underage crowd who don’t have fake IDs and can’t do the bar scene yet, or those who don’t like it. I happen to fit into the latter of those categories. I prefer my own home, or Mav’s, and screw everyone else. Mav is the social one who likes all the people around.

At least three of his previous “girlfriends” can be found at various tables in the restaurant. Interestingly, despite the fact that he has a constant rotation of girls, he always seems to be on good terms with them.

I spot BJ sprawled across a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, the tops of two blonde heads barely visible on the opposing bench. My palms sweat as we make our way through the tables, Mav pausing every five seconds to say hi to someone. I don’t bother acknowledging anyone, because the only person I really care about seeing should be with BJ and the twins. My heart rate picks up and my palms go damp when I finally reach the table. It’s one of those round booths that’s meant to seat six or more, and Lavender is sitting at the end, sipping on some kind of smoothie.


All four sets of eyes shift my way as I slide in beside Lavender.