Page 57 of Little Lies


The next morningI’m busy working on a new costume piece. I already handed in my costume at the end of last week and offered to start something new. A loud thud makes me jump and almost prick myself with a needle. I tug my earbuds free, and the sound of loud male voices filters through my door. I push back my chair and stumble a few steps. I’m stiff from having been in the same position for the past several hours. It takes me a few seconds to get the lock to turn, since my eyes are still adjusting from having been staring at tiny stitches.

I rush down the stairs and find the source of the noise. “What’s going on?”

River is on top of Kodiak, aiming punches at his face. “I told you to keep your fucking hands off her!”

“She was drunk and talking to Clarke!” Kodiak has quick reflexes and blocks every shot, which makes my brother even angrier.

How does River know about last night when he wasn’t even here?

I don’t have a lot of time to think too much about that, because at the rate these two are going, there’s going to be missing teeth and bloodstains on the carpet if someone doesn’t do something to stop it. And apparently that someone has to be me.

I latch on to River’s arm, but he’s on the down swing and drags me to the floor beside Kodiak. When I’m elbowed in the neck, I quickly conclude I’ve made a mistake getting in the middle of their fight.

Then suddenly the fighting is over, because I’m flopping around on the floor, holding my throat and gasping for breath. I remind myself of a dying fish, but man, that really hurt.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” River reaches for me, but I kick at him, because no fucking thanks.

The fighting resumes.

“Look what you did now!” River yells at Kodiak.

“You attacked me! And you’re the one who dragged her to the floor!” Kodiak shouts back.

“Stop!” I wheeze.

They both do that weird man thing where they don’t know what to do to help, so they push each other back and forth, trying to get ahead of the other, I guess.

I roll over and get to my feet, clutching my throat protectively. At least now I know what my defense maneuver will be, should someone ever attack me. “What is wrong with you two?” I rasp.

River shoves his phone in my face.

I snatch it away so I can see whatever the damn problem is. “Where did this come from?”

It’s a picture of me, slung over Kodiak’s shoulder. I’m flailing, and he looks like he’s on the verge of murder.

“Someone took it last night,” River growls and spins toward Kodiak again. “I told you not to put your hands on her!”

“You think it would’ve been better if Clarke had gotten his hands on her? That guy’s is a colossal douche!” Kodiak yells back.

I am so damn tired of this. “Are you serious with this?” I shout. It’s the only way to be heard over their bickering.

Both of them turn around.

“First of all, I’m not an idiot. I know Clarke is a douche, and I would never, ever be stupid enough to end up in a room alone with him. Secondly, do you hear yourselves? I’m not a child. I’m an adult. If I want to drink an idiotic amount of alcohol, wear a thong bikini, and flirt with a dickhead, that’s my goddamn prerogative.” Although saying it out loud, I can see every single flaw in that terrible plan. “I get to make my own damn mistakes, just like the rest of you. The double standard around here is ridiculous! Maverick has a new ‘girlfriend’ every month, and bunnies are constantly hanging off the two of you. But I talk to one freaking guy, and Kodiak becomes a damn caveman, and now the two of you are going to what? Punch each other out over it?” I throw my hands in the air. “You know what? I’m done with this. I cannot and will not be defined by something that happened when I was six years old. I don’t need a set of bodyguards.”

They’re both heaving and angry, and now so am I. I shove past them and head back upstairs.

“I was trying to stop you from doing something you’d regret!” Kodiak calls after me.

I spin around. “No. You weren’t. You were being a dick, and I’m done with it. And you”—I point a finger at River—“need to chill out and take theFlowers in the Atticdown a few notches. I get that you want to protect me or whatever the heck you think you’re doing, but Kodiak isn’t the only villain out there. He just happens to be the one you target.” I stomp back up to my room and slam the door.

It’s just after ten. I start jamming things into my backpack. I need to get out of here before I seriously lose my shit. I’m supposed to meet Lovey and Lacey for lunch and tell them how my idiotic plan went.

Honestly, I should’ve gone to their place last night and avoided all of this. I shove my econ textbook into my bag. I also grab a change of clothes, because there’s a solid chance I’m going to spend tonight at Lacey and Lovey’s. All this testosterone is driving me crazy.

The door clicks quietly. I don’t have to turn around to know it’s my twin.