Page 82 of Little Lies

Lavender runs her finger across her eyebrow and rubs her temple, like she’s trying to get rid of a headache. “And now you’re telling me you want me? That you always have, and you treated me like garbage for my own good?” She glances down at the front of my basketball shorts, which do a shit job of hiding anything. “Are youturned on?”

I shrug. “You’re fired up, and there are sex toys all over your floor.”

“So acting like a dick gets you hard?”

“You giving me hell turns me on.” I wave a hand in her direction and give up completely. “And you in general, everything about you.”

“So what exactly did you think was going to happen when you busted in here and made it rain fake dicks? Did you think I would swoon at the romance of it all and ride yours?”

“I didn’t, no. I just thought . . . I just wanted—”

“To come in beating your chest and let Josiah know he couldn’t have me? Stake your claim.” She motions to my crotch again. “Kinda looks like that was your dick’s plan.”

“I didn’t have a plan. I wanted that guy not to put his hands on you.” I spit the words like bitter pills.

“So you could?”

I throw my hands in the air. “Yes. No. I don’t know. I told you I lied, that I want you.”

“And you sound like you’re really ecstatic about it too.”

“Maverick is my best friend, and River keeps threatening to murder me if I so much as look at you.” And I kind of believe he’d do it. River always seems like he’s on the edge of snapping.

She rolls her shoulders back and raises her chin, defiant and painfully beautiful. “Nut the fuck up, Kodiak. You’ve been an asshole to me for a lot of years. You made me think I was an annoyance and someone you’ve humored since you became a teenager, and you’ve done nothing but make this semester miserable for me. Do you have any idea what it’s like living here with the three of you? It’s a cockblock-a-thon. My entire damn life, everyone’s protected me. Who are you to decide what’s best for me?”


“Shut it, Kodiak. I don’t need this dadbro bullshit. You want me? Then do something proactive about it that isn’t being an asshole or pounding on your chest like some Neanderthal. You’re a damn genius. Use your brain and figure out how to manage the situation.”

I can do that. Be proactive. I take a step forward, but Lavender puts her hand up to stop me.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Being proactive.”

“By doing what, exactly?”

“Uh . . .” I scratch the edge of my jaw. “I was going to start by kissing you.”

Lavender snorts. “You think you deserve to kiss me after the hell you’ve put me through? That’s a fuck no, big boy. You want to know what my mouth tastes like, you need to earn it, and everything else.”

My erection kicks behind my basketball shorts. “Uh, right. Okay. What can I do? Should I . . . apologize again?”

She drags her tongue across her bottom lip, eyes narrowed as a slow smile forms. “You should sit the fuck down.”

I take several steps back and drop into her computer chair, which groans under my weight, since it’s made to fit her tiny body, not mine.

Lavender lifts her tank over her head and tosses it at me. Her tits are nestled in a white satin bra. There’s a lot of cleavage. Lavender has big boobs. She gets asked if they’re fake a lot, especially since the rest of her is so damn tiny. Fun size, really.

“What’re you doing?” My voice is about two octaves higher than it should be.

“You seem to think you know what happens when I’m alone up here. So I’m going to show you. And maybe it’ll give you a little motivation to figure your damn shit out.” She reaches behind her and unclasps her bra.

The straps slide down her arms, and she lets it fall to the floor, exposing her breasts. She grabs them and squeezes, tugging at her nipples. “I bet you want to do this, don’t you?”

“God, yes, I really do,” I grunt. I want them in my mouth. I want to slide my cock between those full, lush tits. I push out of the chair.

She raises a hand, giving me pause. “Sit down or the show’s over.”