Page 107 of Little Lies

It’s a Friday evening, and Kodiak has an away game. This means he won’t be home until late tonight, which is good because I need time to work on one of the costume pieces for the upcoming production. The girl who’s playing the lead has been stress eating, and last night she had a huge meltdown because her costume is too tight.

I took the blame and told her I must have miscalculated the seam allowance—I didn’t—and could most certainly fix the problem. So that’s what I’m doing.

It’s closing in on ten when Professor Martin pokes her head in.

I pop out my earbuds. “I’m nearly done with the alterations.”

She checks over her shoulder before she says, “You are a godsend for doing this.”

I wave the comment away. “Can’t have the star of the show feeling uncomfortable or it’ll affect the entire performance.” Besides, I like her. She has great respect for those of us who like to stay behind the scenes, and she’s always been nice to me.

She nods her agreement. “I have some news for you.”

I can’t read her expression. “Oh?”

“It’s about the internship we discussed.”

“The long shot for the off Broadway company? I never expected to get it since I’m a sophomore, but I love that you asked me to apply.”

I mean that. Professor Martin has never coddled me. She’s unaware that I’ve spent the majority of my life overprotected and sometimes over-loved by my family. It’s nice to have someone assume I’m capable and competent. And now I truly feel that way.

She smiles slightly. “What if I told you they want you for the internship?”

It takes me several long moments to digest that news. “Seriously?”

Her grin widens. “Most seriously, Lavender.”

“Oh, wow.” I sink back into my chair and exhale a long, slow breath. Within seconds, my mind becomes cluttered with too many thoughts.What if I’m not good enough? Where will I live? How am I going to manage the city on my own? Will I have to take the subway? What will my parents say? What about Kodiak?“This is kind of a big deal, isn’t it?”

Professor Martin sits on the edge of the desk. “You would be the youngest intern they’ve ever had, but if you don’t think you’re ready, we can try again next year.”

“But there’s no guarantee I’ll get it next year.”

“I’d like to say invariably you would, but I can’t know that. Every year is different, and it’s highly competitive. You have incredible talent, Lavender. There will most definitely be other opportunities for you, but this one is special.”

“Wow, okay. I figured the chances I’d get it were slim to none.”

My dad is going to shit a brick. I love him to pieces, but good Lord, he could barely handle me being an hour away while living with my brothers. And the whole freaking Kodiak thing has been another source of freak-out for him. Mom had to intervene and tell him that threatening one of his best friend’s sons with castration was not a good way to manage us dating. I want to be ready for something like this, but there are so many unknowns.

“Why don’t I email you all the information, and you can discuss it with everyone you need to? I don’t want you to feel pressured, but they’ll need to know either way by the end of next week.”

I nod. “I’ll have an answer by then.”


The house isempty. River is out with friends, and Maverick is at the game with Kodiak. Despite the fact that it’s closing in on eleven, I call my mom.

She answers on the second ring. “How is my favorite daughter? And why in the world are you calling me on a Friday night? Shouldn’t you be out breaking rules and doing things I don’t want to think about?”

I laugh. “I took a break from the rule-breaking this weekend. Are you busy?”

“If you call listening to your dad sawing logs while I watch bad reality TV busy, then yes. What’s up? Things still okay with you and Kody?”

“Things are great with Kodiak.” And they really are. Loving him is so much easier than trying to hate him.

“I’m glad to hear that. And you’re being safe and all that jazz, right?”

“Yes, Mom. We’re being safe.”