Page 3 of Zeus's Sinner

Marko looks over to his son.

"What happened with the French congressman is done, but we're having an issue with one of the connects over in Krusenstern Island.

Seems one of the connects doesn't believe they need to be working with us any longer. We can't get to him because of his status in the community. I figured Zeus would be the one to reach out to him. This could be his way to prove that he knows what the hell he's doing."

"You willing to put your freedom on the line for him?" Marko asks and points in my direction.

Sven looks at me, and I do my best to not stare back at him. I can't believe they're actually having to have this conversation.

"Da, I would." Sven says, and I hear Luka say the same.

"So be it, Josip, make sure Zeus has all the information he needs." Marko turns his attention back to me.

"You better not fuck this up, and if I hear one peep from anyone about what's going on, it'll be the last thing anyone says about you." Marko leans back in his chair. "Get your shit together, looks like your services are needed in Alaska."

Alaska... fuck me.



My heart poundsin my chest as I struggle to keep a lid on my anger. How could she say no to something like this? The children need the help, we can give it to them. Is that not what we are here to do?

"Mother Superior, I only suggested that we go ..."

She pulls her rosary through her thin, frail hands even quicker as she massages the beads between her fingers. She has very little patience for me.

"No Sister. There's no reason for us to do that. We're a small convent, If we out for every call that we receive we'd never have enough to ensure our own well-being. We can't help people out in the world if we can't help ourselves. Now you have chores that need to be done. Instead of worrying about what's going on in the outside world right now, maybe you need to be more concerned about our world. " Mother superior looks down her nose at me, and I swear I can feel the disgust coming from her in

I'd spent months trying to prove to her that I was devout in my vows but so far, she was less than impressed. The rest of the congregation all seem to have taken to me and are actively trying to help me through my Novitiate period, and were even there when I took my first vows. Mother superior, on the other hand, has been nothing but hard on me. It's almost as if she wants me to stray from the faith. The rest of the sisters here tell me that it's just her way, that the call to make sure her flock is pure is so strong it becomes difficult for her to see the good.

It sucks when she refuses to hear our reason, but for the most part, I appreciate her being so hard on me. I need the discipline, it's one of the main reasons I joined this order.

I'm evil to my core and I know it. If I ever needed any proof, I can just look at my sister and my mother to see exactly how I would've turned out if I had not turned to my religion.

My mother and my sister both fell to a life of drugs and being whores. I thought that I would be able to stay away from it, but the longer I remained outside of my religion, the harder it became. All I ever think about is felling good. I want my body to feel the zing of electricity anytime something exciting happens. By seventeen, I was already desperate trying to find a way for someone to take my virginity, luckily I was in an all-girls school and the pickings were slim. I know that if I follow that path, it'll only lead me towards destruction. My mother was a beautiful woman when she was younger, but now after all the drugs and being used constantly by the men that coveted her body. She looks about thirty years older than what she is, her self-worth is down the tubes. And honestly, she's just the epitome of the very nightmare I choose not to be.

So, when Mother Superior goes hard on me, or she stops me from doing something that I think I might want, I know it's the right thing to do. If I followed what my own instincts told me to do, it would just be a mess.

As I'm walking off to my small room. I feel the eyes of the other sisters on me.

After all this time that I've spent trying to fit in, even though most of them are nice, it's hard when they all know my background it feels like they are waiting for me to fly off the handle.

"Sister Inessa, I actually wanted to speak with you."

I turned my head to see sister Ruth coming up to me. A bright smile on her face and her hand clasped in front of her body.

She must really have something that she wants to ask me, if she is going against her norm to reach out to me.

Sister Ruth is on the same team as Mother Superior. She doesn't truly think that I belong here. But she's nicer than the Mother Superior has ever been.

"Of course, Sister Ruth, how can I help you?" I ask her and turn around to face her. She entwines her hands behind her back and looks down to the floor before she pulls her shoulders back and addresses me.

"I know that you have heard the other sisters are on their way to a festival of sorts over on the main island."

I nod my head and wait for her to continue. I had heard about it. And part of me wanted to go with them, but I declined when I realized how many civilians would be there. I don't want to tempt myself more than I need. I finished my three years of Novitiate trials only a few weeks ago, I'm not ready to go out like that in a world filled with so much sin.

"Well, I'm supposed to stay back with you, but I was wondering if it wouldn't be too inconsiderate of me to go with the rest of the sisters. You'd be here on your own. I don't want to leave you if you'll be uncomfortable."