Page 8 of Have Mercy

“Thank you so much,” she said and leaned in and kissed my cheek. It took every ounce of self-control not to wrap her in my arms and kiss her senseless.



Tracy spiked the volleyball over the net and Alice hit it at an angle: it went flying smacking Buzz squarely on the head before bouncing and rolling toward the ocean. The expression on his face had us all laughing. I noticed every time Alice wasn’t looking, Buzz openly gaped at her. He had it bad. I couldn’t be sure since I was still getting to know all the girls, but I thought the feelings were mutual.

Not that I’d ever admit it to Storm, but I liked the setup at Indecent Proposals. The girls were far nicer, and the Merciless Few weren’t leering assholes. I mean sure they’d stare or make a sexist comment from time to time, but I think it was more to be funny than any actual chauvinist tendencies. Or at least as much as possible given they were badass bikers with reps to protect. Working for the Miscreant Brothers MC made me feel like scrubbing my skin after a shift would never be enough to get the slime off me. Something about Daredevil, I think. He was one sleazy jackass. With the Merciless Few, I’d never felt disrespected other than that first day when I met Storm in the VIP room. At some point, I was going to ask him if he’d been serious about the blow job or if it was a test, he gave all his recruits.

The day was warm, but not unpleasant. The clubhouse had private beach access. As I gazed out at the horizon, a sense of calm washed over me. Alice had the ball again and was about to serve, so I shook my head gently to bring myself back into focus.


It was far too warm in July even at night by the water to have a bonfire, but that didn’t stop the brothers from stirring one up. Music blared from somewhere and most everyone was scattered around drinking, some were dancing, many others hanging all over each other. Team building was mostly an excuse to party as far as I could tell, but I wasn’t going to complain since it had been a pleasant day despite the fact, I had been dreading it.

Storm watching out for me the other night softened my resolve toward him. My instincts said to be on guard, but it was hard to be completely bitchy toward him when he didn’t have to make sure I got home okay. It was enough just to get that guy to go on his way. It was so odd. I don’t remember the customer from Sailors at all. But the second time I saw him the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Whether that was because he kept seeking me out in the dark when I was alone or if he genuinely had an off vibe. I wasn’t sure.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Storm asked. I’d been so preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn’t notice him approach.

“I was just thinking that I don’t remember that customer from Sailors,” I admitted.

“You tell one of us if you see him again, yeah!”

I looked over at him because his tone had a harsh edge. “Thanks.”

“I’m going to remind everyone they never leave on their own. It's too damn late to be taking chances.”

“Wow, you better be careful. Someone might think you care.” I said lightly to tease him, so I was caught off guard when he grabbed me in his strong arms and shook me a bit. Not enough to hurt me, but he definitely had my attention.

“Don’t ever say that again,” his chest heaved and the throbbing of his pulse in his neck had me hypnotized for a moment.


“Of course, I fucking care Sutton. I care too damn much,” he said, and I swear he’d moved closer and I didn’t even notice. We were barely an inch apart.

“You confuse me,” I said softly.

“Explain?” He stared intently.

“You want to pay me for a blow job, and then you are such a gentleman the other night. I don’t know how to take you.”

The pressure of his lips on mine was far from a surprise. Somewhere deep inside I knew he was going to do that tonight. Instead of overthinking it, I opened to him and was rewarded with one of the most sensual kisses I’ve ever had. I was a little dizzy and shivered when he pulled away and touched his forehead to mine, “for the record, the blow job was not a serious question. I just wanted to get a rise out of you. I don’t even know why to be honest. Are you cold?”

“No, I’m not cold.”

“When is your night off?”

“Wednesday,” I said absently.

“Let me take you to dinner.”

“Okay,” I said.

“C’mon, how about a walk on the beach?”

I just nodded my head and let him guide me along. I so wasn’t going to tell Amanda about this. The heifer would just gloat anyway.