Page 6 of Have Mercy

“The guy irritates me. Two weeks ago, he told me I should watch the snacks because my ass needed to fit into a new outfit, he wanted me to wear.”

“He’s just trying to get a rise out of you. Typical crush behavior.”

“Whatever!” I huffed.

“Yeah, we’ll see Sutton,” Amanda said, getting to her feet. I joined her as we walked out of the small gym into the late afternoon sun. It was cloudy today. A storm was coming.

“I have zero interest in sleeping with him, Amanda,” I stressed her name like she needed to be reminded that I was serious.

She side-eyed me as we started up the steps to our apartment unit, “you don’t have to convince me.”

“I’m not trying to. Why are we even talking about that asshat anyway?”

“Because you're the one who can’t stop thinking about him.”

“You don’t know what’s in my head,” I growled, closing the apartment door harder than I meant to.

Amanda turned, “I hope you figure it out soon. I don’t think any of us including the inanimate objects around you can stand much more of this not thinking about him you're doing.” she said the last bit in mock air quotes.

“Ugh,” I grimaced, but Amanda didn't see me because she'd already dashed out of the room.



“Ladies, we’re glad you all could come in a little early. We have an announcement.” I said and grinned at the faces in front of me. Some were friendly, others were bored, and Serenity looked like she wanted to knife me in the back.

My VP, Brute said low, “such fine pieces of ass.”

Glancing over at Mary, our bartender, almost had me losing my shit as she glared at him. She was close to 60 years old and had come to us about two years ago when her old man had gotten killed in a local bar fight. She was from Montana and had always wanted to see the ocean. Her old man was part of the Merciless Few chapter there and we’d never turn away a brother or his ol’ lady even if they were from a different branch. Plus, it was a win for us as she was a hell of a good bartender.

She and Brute had been circling each other for a while now, but I don’t think either of them recognized it.

“So, we’d like to do a little team building on Sunday afternoon. We’re hosting a party on the beach by our clubhouse.”

“Excuse me, is that mandatory?” Serenity said, arms crossed and her heeled foot tapping incessantly.


“Why exactly? It’s not like we dance as a team,” she countered.

“You could, y’know. We like thinkin’ outside the box,'' Brute answered before I could.

She didn’t comment as she scowled at us.

“That’s it - let’s have a good night.”

The girls started walking away when I heard Selena’s voice, “don’t worry about its sugar, we have these about once a quarter and they’re always a great time.”

I checked over my shoulder and Serenity was allowing Selena to take her by the elbow toward the back dressing rooms. Hell, maybe the girls could melt this chick's icy attitude.


When I checked the clock on the far wall opposite my office desk, I had to blink to register how late it was. I’d been lost in paperwork our accountant needed, which was far from my favorite activity. My neck and shoulders ached after being hunched. Tilting my head from side to side, trying to stretch out the kinks. I walked out to the club and noticed it was already cleared for the night. I headed out the back door and heard her voice around the corner.

“I’m glad you liked the show, but I do need to get home.” Both the lights on our building and the street lights illuminated them: Serenity clutched her bag in front of her. A middle-aged guy stared at her intently, standing an inch or two, too close.

“Is there a problem,” I asked with an edge in my voice. Close up it was evident this guy wanted a hell of a lot more than to just talk to her.