Page 3 of Have Mercy

He pushed his chip into the pot and said, “I’ll give you two of my girls for 6 months to make up for what I don’t have.”

“The Merciless Few get to choose which two, no objections, and if the girls want to stay at Indecent Proposals, after the 6 months, they can,” I said expecting him to balk.


Daredevil placed his cards down with satisfaction, the smile on his face wide. He had a strong hand, but my three kings and two queens was better. Needless to say, Daredevil was not happy. Brute, my VP, whooped in the background. The pot I’d won was a nice bonus, but the real satisfaction of playing this game was watching the opposing Prez lose. He’d always been a smug bastard.

“What the actual fuck Prez,” Geezer squawked at Daredevil’s side.

“Shut it,” he growled.

The smile on my face grew as I intertwined my fingers behind my head, happy to watch Daredevil’s discomfort.

“We’ll be around tomorrow to watch the show,” I stood up. Trigger, our treasurer, had already got our cash from the banker.

Daredevil’s angry voice carried out of the bar, “fuck.”

I started my bike, revving the throttle for the hell of it, elated about how good the day had turned out.



Walking into the back entrance of Sailor’s felt a little off and the vibe as I went to the dressing room was charged with something I couldn’t put my finger on. Nothing seemed out of place and the noise level was normal for this time of night. When I set my stuff down, I turned to Becky sitting at the station next to mine.

“Hey Becky, do you know what’s up tonight?”

“Hi, Sutton. Rumor has it some of the Merciless Few are in the crowd.”


“They own Indecent Proposals,” she smiled a little as she added a cat eye with her liquid eyeliner.

“Why does that sound familiar?” I honestly couldn’t place it.

Becky’s smile grew wider, “Oh, it’s probably the best strip club in town. I’ve thought about going there a few times to get work. I hear they are hot.”

I liked Becky a lot, but I tried not to roll my eyes, who cared if they were hot. I know she’d hung out with quite a few of the Miscreant Brothers who owned this place. I tried to come in and do my job and leave. I wanted no part of that drama.

As I took out my make-up bag and rummaged for my make-up brush, I asked, “any particular reason they’re here tonight?”

“Not sure, but I plan to get friendly with a few,” she chuckled and stood up. “How do I look?” She had on hot pink leather booty shorts and a sleeveless top offering an ample view of her cleavage.

“You look insanely hot,”

“Thanks! Sutton, honestly, I don’t understand why you don’t play up your beautiful blond hair and innocent face. You’d have them eating out of your hand with that sexy girl next door look. The black hair just doesn’t do as much for you.” She frowned a little.

“I like the mystery,” I said and kept it at that. The truth was I didn’t want to play up anything. I did like to dance and it was fun to come up with new routines because I’d done both dance and gymnastics as a kid, but I was just getting by here. There was nothing wrong with this life, but I had other plans. It was a simple economic proposition. The money stripping trumped retail or waitressing without question.

I gazed in the mirror, angling my head each way to ensure the wig was in place. I’d spent a lot of money on this wig to ensure it fits properly. Plus, I always used wig glue for that extra security. Afterward, I applied thick makeup to my face, giving myself a smokey eye with deep purple eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner to give my blue eyes that extra pop.

About half an hour later, I stood behind the stage curtain waiting for my cue. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard boomed out of the speakers as I sauntered out on my platform heels and black cutaway bodysuit that rode up my ass. Grabbing the pole, I swung around and finished by wrapping my legs and climbing up the pole. Crossing my legs in fairy style led to me scissoring the metal sideways. Next, I pulled up and dropped to my feet then swiveled so my backside was facing the crowd. Spreading my legs, I leaned over slowly touching the floor and bouncing my hips and ass. I grabbed the pole again and walked slowly up the metal with my hands. Swaying my hips, I swung around until I was facing forward again. Breaking away from the pole, I hit the floor and begin to crawl seductively across the stage. Turning onto my back, I arched placing my arms on the floor behind me and tossed my head back. The whole time imagining I was the sexiest girl in the world. During my time on stage, I’d blocked out the audience and concentrated on the music. The lights went out on the stage and I quickly grabbed the money I saw before running off stage. I’d have another dance later, but now I had to get ready to walk the floor.



Sailors had some talent and my brothers and I had spent the whole evening enjoying what the place had to offer. I’d just been tempted to ask one of the girls to go back into the VIP room when Serenity came on stage. This sweet thing mesmerized me and I was frozen in place watching the sway of her hips. She was a natural.