Page 7 of Dangerous Liaisons

“Actually, it is, plus the cottage up the beach.” He moves to the other side of his board in the water, so he's standing closer to me. The smile has not left his face. I notice a glint of mischief in his eyes.Is he teasing me?

“Since when?” I ask stupidly.

“Since a few weeks ago. Why?” he asks.

“I've been coming here a long time, and I've never noticed anyone living in the cottage.” I'm not even convincing myself that I have a right to be here.

“Well, now you know.” He smirks and continues to stare at me. This time I can feel his eyes roving down my body like he's drinking me in.

I decide to deflect and say, “Be careful; surfing can be dangerous.” Drawing attention to the board on his left.

“I'm covered,” he says and laughs, moving to get on the board before paddling out into the surf. I stand there watching him, not sure if I should run back to my Jeep or just watch. I decide to do the latter because I'm curious if he can actually surf. I'm not sure where he's from. He sounds British, but not quite. I know I've heard an accent similar to his, but I can't place it.

When I see him catch his first wave, I'm shocked. The guy looks so natural on the board, like he's been doing this his whole life. This makes me curious to know more about him, which is odd because I usually work hard to keep myself closed off to strangers.

I decide the more important thing right now is to make sure this guy understands that he may live here, but he doesn't actually belong in my ocean with my waves. I paddle out and proceed to show him.


After more than an hour, we both come out of the surf and head up the beach. He drops his board and sits down. I decide to do the same. It's been a lovely time, and I'm feeling better than I have in days.

“So, would you like to come in for something to eat?” he asks.

“I don't know you,” I reply.

“Well, you could get to know me over a sandwich and a beer,” he teases, winking at me.

I huff. “Seriously?”

“Look, it's simple. I'm curious about you, and I know you're curious about me. Best to just go with it and save ourselves a lot of energy.” He leans back on his elbows.

“Cocky much?” I ask.

“Nah, just stating facts. For instance, I know your name is Leilani Kalama, and apparently, you love Elvis and surfing.” He smiles.

I roll my eyes. “Wow, you could write a book on my life.”

“Or you could just let down your guard and talk to me,” he says.

“Whatever! What's your name again?” I ask, honestly not remembering what he said last night.

“Simon.” He reaches out his hand as if to shake mine.

I shake my head and say, “Simon what?”

“Simon Kapulet.” He drops his hand and grabs a handful of sand.

“Fuck!” Why is a Kapulet in my sacred spot?

If my brothers knew I was talking to a Kapulet, they'd be furious. From what I understand, somefamigliawanted to have a more prominent presence on the islands. So far, they seem to have just been a thorn in my brother's side by competing in different business areas, most far from legal. I didn't listen too much about that side of things, but I know enough to understand I'm talking to the enemy right now. But I suspect Simon hasn't been here long and honestly doesn’t know what's what.

“Pardon me?” Simon quirks his brow.

“You do realize you're my sworn enemy, right?” I lay back on the sand, letting the breeze wash over me.

“We're just starting to get to know each other. How can we be enemies?” Simon sits up straighter, looking at me intently.

“I'm sure you've been on Oahu long enough to understand who myfamigliais compared to yours, right?”