Page 20 of Dangerous Liaisons

Simon and I just had dinner, we’re walking around the hotel gardens, hand in hand. It's a beautiful, clear night and I'm sorry we have to go back home tomorrow. Maybe I should move here. It might be nice to get some distance from my brothers. I'm still a bit shocked at how concerned Simon was over how I'd react about him leaving the islands. I was honest with him, though. I've not thought that far ahead with what's happening with him. I didn't honestly care until he brought it up. I've never been sure if I wanted marriage or even kids. My parents were a great love, and even as a kid, I understood that. But I'm not like most people. I'm a loner and always have been. Plus, planning things like this seems detrimental to lasting success. I shake it off. I decide it's time to see what all the fuss is about, and I steer us back to the hotel lobby.

As soon as we close the door behind us, I'm on Simon. I'm kissing him like I've never kissed before. My fingers go to his button-down shirt and start working to unclasp them. He has such a delicious body. I push the material off his shoulders. I feel his hands grab my ass as he hauls me closer. I can feel his hardness through the fabric of my sundress. I moan into his mouth and jump up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. I feel one hand holding me, and the other is moving the material of my dress off my shoulder. I unwrap my legs from his waist as he balances me so I can stand. I break our kiss so I can concentrate on his belt. His pants have to go. He smirks at me as he waits for me to free him. When I touch him, he groans and bends down to graze my legs as he caresses my skin and guides the material of my dress up and over my head. I'm standing in my strapless bra and panties. He kicks out of his clothes, and I swallow. His thighs are solid and robust. His cock is hard, and I ache to grab it, but I wait. I turn to the material of my bra and unclasp it, dropping it to the floor. I notice Simon's pupils darken when he takes in my chest. He makes me feel empowered and sexy. I don't delay, getting rid of my panties. I expect him to jump on me, but his gaze is ever so slowly drinking me in. I feel a shiver from his perusal.

I almost laugh when we crash into each other, both impatient to explore. Neither of us is shy as we touch and kiss. Before long, I break us apart and rush to the bed. I feel Simon behind me as he turns me over, so I'm on my back. I itch to touch his abs, but he grabs my hands and puts them over my head as he licks my lips before devouring my mouth. I moan as he moves away so he can nip down my chin to my neck. I feel his tongue start licking a trail down my chest, stopping to circle my nipple. He gets it wet and blows, and I wiggle my body from the raw sensation. When he moves to the other nipple, I feel his teeth gently graze me. I'm so wet. I feel like I'm dripping. Simon takes one hand off mine, and he touches my center.

“You're so wet for me already.” Simon smiles wickedly as he circles my clit. My head crashes back into the mattress as I hold in my scream. I take my free hand and find his cock, he's so velvety smooth in my hand, and I smile when he groans from my touch.

Simon moves closer and rests his elbow on the mattress to brace his weight. He leaves my clit and adds one finger inside of me. It feels good as he starts pumping. His mouth finds mine again, and we start a kissing dual. I don't know where he ends, and I begin. I want to jerk him off, but he repositions himself. I almost stop kissing him to ask why he did that, but when I feel his second finger matching the first strokes, I'm distracted. I grab his ass instead and close my eyes. When his thumb circles my clit, while his fingers are still moving inside me, my moans grow louder as I feel the sensation building. Simon deepens the pressure from his thumb, and I crash into a million pieces. As I'm floating from my orgasm, I hear the tearing of a wrapper, and before I can blink, Simon is in between my legs.

“Leilani,” he rasps in that sexy accent. “Are you sure, love?”

“Yes. Please, Simon. I want you inside me,” I beg.

Simon thrusts his cock to the hilt and stills, holding his weight up by his elbows. The pain is sharp and I take a deep breath watching his expression. He has his eyes closed and is breathing heavily. The fullness of him has me raising my knees and gripping his shoulders. When he moves slowly the sensation is better and I sigh. He takes this as encouragement and begins building momentum. We kiss and I’m so happy in this moment. When he breaks the kiss, and leans more on one arm, still rocking into me, the other hand goes between us and his clever fingers are on my clit. The moan that comes out of me is a little embarrassing, but the pressure and circular motion is so delicious I can’t help it. My eyes open and Simon is looking down at me with a rapt expression that makes my heart flutter. When the pleasure crashes over me, the tears fall freely down my face as I call out Simon’s name. It’s not long before he groans and collapses, still being mindful of his weight. Having his face in the crook of my shoulder makes me shiver.

“Wow, if that was how it feels the first time, what’s it going to be like when we do it again?”

“You’re going to kill me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he chuckles as he moves out of me and moves off the bed. I miss him instantly and feel a little cold as I grab the sheet to cover my body. I hear the water running and Simon is back, pulling down the sheet and cleaning me up. I want to cry from the tenderness of the gesture, but instead I look away feeling a bit shy. He tosses the washcloth on the floor and turns to lay down, pulling me closely into his side. When he kisses my temple, the flush of love I feel takes me off guard. Am I in love with him?

Chapter 17


Waking up in paradise with a gorgeous woman in your arms does not suck. Unfortunately, my day went to shit after that. Leilani and I got back to Oahu and as we’re disembarking from the plane, I hear a menacing voice and feel a gun pressing into my kidney. Now I'm sitting in the middle of a room, with cheap linoleum floors and walls that are a yellowish-brown from age. I'm handcuffed to a metal chair. I've not seen Leilani since she was carted off in a black SUV and driven in the opposite direction from me.

When the big man comes into the room, I know he's related to Leilani. The similarities are uncanny. I knew it was the Kalama's who accosted us, and I'm surprised it took them this long to come for me. I also figured at some point, they'd be tracking Leilani's movements. I'm just grateful they waited until our get-away was over to bother me. That will probably be the last of our time together. I have no illusions that her brothers are going to make damn sure she doesn’t spend time with me, and they definitely won’t approve. Not only am I a haole, the name I keep hearing, but also the son of one of their enemies. I doubt it will matter that I hate him as much as they do. Now, I just need to convince them that I have the information they can't refuse and that letting me go is in their best interest.

The slap that slams across my cheek sting like a motherfucker. My whole face involuntarily swings to the left. Blood pools in my mouth, and I spit it out, projecting it away from me. The big man scowls at me while he steps back. I wonder if he's as vain as he seems. His suit is spotless, and his shoes have a sheen on them from being shined so much.

“Watch it, haole, or I'll end you far sooner than I intended to,” the big man says.

“And you are?” I ask, smiling.

The big man looks back toward the mirror on the far wall. I suspected they were watching me. He moves his shoulders around in an animated way, as if he's trying to limber up. Maybe he wants to get down to the kicking my ass part of our visit together.

“Look, I'd hate to have to call you big man. Why don't we start with your name, and I'll tell you why it's in your best interest to let me go.” I don't cringe as I stare him down.

He laughs, and it's an unpleasant sound, as if his voice isn't used to making that particular noise. Just my luck, they sent the king asshole to interrogate me. I was hoping Leilani's brother Kayl would be the one. And as Capo, I would have expected it, but this one must be Mano or possibly Bane. I know a lot about the brothers—at least on paper.

“I'm Mano,” he grunts out.

“Well, Mano, how about I tell you why my offer shouldn't be refused,” I invite.

“Your wiles may work on my sister, but I can assure you I won't be easily persuaded, haole,” Mano sneers.

“You'll want to get some men to Honolulu Harbor on Friday at three a.m.,” I say.

“And why is that, haole?” Mano asks.

“There is a lucrative shipment of guns on board that will make up for your recent losses,” I confirm.

“So, you think you can come to my islands, stir shit up, and then announce how you're going to make up for it?” Mano cracks his knuckles.

“Look, I don't give a goddamn about your territory. I'm not here for the Kalama’s,” I say, not caring.

“You alien piece of shit,” Mano grits out.

The punch slams across my face like a freight train. Men like Mano are not hard to understand. They're ruled by an arrogant, territorial streak that is similar to a rottweiler and its bone. My cheekbone feels like it could be fractured. The pain is intense. Someone else has come into the room, and my wrists are being unlocked, and I'm roughly pushed to my feet. Mano starts raining down punches on my face, stomach, and chest, but the guy who uncuffed me has my arms locked behind me. I can't deflect the punches. I don't know how much time passes, but after I hear a cracking sound, the guy behind me lets me go, and I crash to the floor. I'm in pain all over my upper body, and I suspect Mano cracked a few ribs. I must’ve passed out from the pain because when I wake up, I'm alone on the floor. The room is dark except for a light shining through a small window in the door.