Page 51 of Bound In Crimson

Shock fills Wyatt’s face, and I send him what I hope is an apologetic look before he shakes his head and walks off.

I turn to Lex, down the rest of my drink, and snap, “What the fuck was that?”

His eyes narrow sharply as he steps in, putting us nose-to-nose. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“I was dancing,” I hiss. “You had no right—”

Lex grabs my hips and spins me around, pulling me back against his chest. His lips are at my ear when he says in a deep voice, “You. Are. Ours. Get that through your head.”

I try to drive my elbow into his ribs with no success. To anyone looking, it likely appears as if we’re dancing closely. “You’re insane.”

He chuckles, his breath on my neck shooting a shiver down my spine. “I think you like it.”

My body heats, and I grit my teeth, wanting to argue that. But I can’t, because there’s a part of me, no matter how small, that does enjoy it.

I guess I’m a little insane too.

“I thought you were outside with Kade,” I grumble, trying to shift the conversation into safer territory.

“Kade is a sore loser. Plus I get bored easily, and humans are annoying.”

I roll my eyes. “So you came in here to annoy me.” My voice is flat.

The song changes again, and the room erupts in cheers and hollers as more people fill the makeshift dance floor.

“Let me go,” I say firmly, “I need a drink.”

“Hmm.” Lex’s lips brush my neck, followed by a gentle, teasing pass of his fangs. “Me too.”

I freeze, and my heart slams against my ribcage. I wouldn’t put it past Lex to sink his fangs into me in the middle of a room full of witnesses, which is exactly why I say, “Don’t you dare.”

Lex sucks playfully, his tongue darting out to swirl against my skin, sending heat directly to my core. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me as I squirm in his grasp. He leans away just enough to say, “I’m going to let go in a minute, despite knowing that you’d much rather I take you upstairs and fuck you so hard everyone here would be jealous.” He nips my earlobe. “You better behave the rest of the evening, or I will start draining these annoying little humans.” He turns me around to face him and captures my chin, forcing my gaze to his. “Understand?”

My jaw clenches in his grip, and I narrow my eyes. I have no doubt he’d follow through with that threat, but would the others let him get away with it? I’d like to think not, considering the importance of keeping their existence as vampires discreet, but I really don’t know. “Yes,” I force out.

“Good girl,” he says with a wink. He leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead before dancing through the crowd toward the backyard.

I’m suddenly feeling much too sober. I weave through the crowd of people and grab another drink from the kitchen, sipping on it while I survey the faces around me, some of which I vaguely recognize, but most of which I’ve never seen before. Finally, I track down Brighton, dancing near the massive but unlit fireplace in the living room.

“Hey!” she hollers, throwing her arm around my shoulder. “I saw you with that super blond dude. You guys were practically fucking over there. What’s the deal with that?”

I take a gulp of my drink. “He’s…” I trail off, shaking my head, because I have no idea how to explain to Brighton who Lex is. “Just another friend.”

She arches a brow at me, setting her empty cup on the wood mantel above the fireplace. “You’ve had a lot offriendsshow up recently.”

“Yeah, I know. They all, um, came here together.” I swallow another mouthful of a drink that is definitely way more vodka than it is lemonade.

“Are you going to tell me who they really are?” Brighton asks in between songs, and I falter. She continues, “They watch you like they’ll rip anyone limb from limb if they even dare to look at you the wrong way. And blondie scared off that other guy pretty damn quick.”

After downing the rest of my drink, I say, “I told you who they are.” I can’t help the little giggle that slips from my lips.“Don’t worry about them.” I glance down at my cup and frown. “I’m empty. You want a refill?”

She nods, grabbing her cup and handing it to me. “Thanks, babe.”

“Be right back.” I weave back through the crowd as the room seems to tilt and find my way into the kitchen where I fill our cups, leaving enough room so they won’t spill while we’re dancing.

“Having fun?” Kade’s voice in my ear makes me shiver and turn to face him, my cheeks and chest flushed.

“Hmm.” I take a drink before setting both cups on a nearby table. “Probably more than you. I heard Lex kicked your ass at beer pong.”