Page 8 of Tempted By Fire

Vampires feed on other vampires?

“So you want him because he can give you more power?” I ask, my stomach twisting painfully. Selene doesn’t care about Gabriel, not really—she cares about what he can do for her.

Those silver eyes narrow at me. “Before you refuse,” she says in a smooth voice, “don’t you wish to know what I could give you in return?”

I shake my head automatically. Whatever she could offer would never be enough for me to trick Gabriel into returning to this… this monster. I can’t help the flare of protectiveness rippling through me. This whole thing would be so much easier if I didn’t care about the vampires who tore into my life over a month ago and ripped everything apart. Damn them for making me give a shit.

“Hmm.” A sly grin spreads across her lips, making my breath hitch. “Not even if I told you I have the power to break the blood oath you’re trapped in? To free you from the vampires’ claim to you? Think about it, Calla. You could have your life back, could have a future thatyouchoose.”

I grit my teeth, willing the sudden burn of tears back.Do not cry in front of this bitch. Before I can stop myself, I ask, “How would that even work?”

Selene slides her hands along the armrests on either side of her, flicking her tongue along her bottom lip. “As you can imagine, I’ve been around a long time. I’ve curated certain relationships with very powerful people in my world. Over the decades, I’ve grown quite close with the York clan. Now, you may not know just how important a vampire Atlas is, but the Yorks are infamous—practically royalty in the vampire world.”

My eyes go wide. “I don’t… What does that have to do with the blood oath?”

She grants me a polite, albeit strained smile. “What are the terms of your vow to them, Calla?”

“Um, I’m basically stuck with them until I die.”

She curls her fingers over the edge of the chair, her nail polish shining in the firelight. “Or?”

I blink at her, and then it hits me. “Or until they allow me to sever the contract. But that’s—”

“Never going to happen?” she offers. “Why don’t you leave that up to me?”

“What are you going to do?” I curse inwardly at my words; it sounds as if I’ve already accepted her offer.

“Atlas’s parents owe me a favor from many, many years ago. I think it’s time I collect.” The corner of her mouth lifts into an amused smile. “And the others will follow him. Gabriel, maybe not, but that won’t be a problem. I’ll force his hand if I must.”

“You can do that?” I ask in a quiet voice, my pulse kicking up.

She chuckles. “I can glamour Gabriel as easily as I can glamour you.”

I shake my head. “Then why haven’t you?”

The glimmer in her eyes remains. “Where’s the fun in that? I’ll get what I want in the end, but that doesn’t mean it has to be quick or boringly easy. I enjoy a challenge.”

I grit my teeth against the bile rising in my throat at her words. My thoughts are spinning, going a million miles a minute as I try to wrap my mind around all of this. “You would do all of this just to get Gabriel back? Even if he wants nothing to do with you? Is the power really worth it?”

Selene inhales and exhales slowly, regarding me with a smooth expression. “Our world is changing,” she says in a deeper tone, “and only those strong enough to stand against their enemies will make it out alive.”

“So all of this is just about power,” I say, “You couldn’t care less about Gabriel.” The twist of jealousy I felt earlier quickly morphs into anger. I don’t want this woman anywhere near Gabriel.

She inclines her head slightly. “Just,” she echoes with a laugh. “You underestimate the importance of that power, Calla. But of course you do. You know nothing about the world you’ve been forced into.” She offers me a thoughtful glance. “So allow me to help free you of it.”

I want to open my mouth and tell her to go to hell. That I’d never consider what she’s offering even for a second. But I’d be lying. I have no idea how she expects me to get Gabriel to return to her—not to mention, the thought of doing that makes me want to keel over and vomit the nothingness in my stomach. Try as I might, I can’t deny that the idea of being in control of my future is enticing. Dangerously so.

“Why now?” I ask.

She exhales slowly, as if I’m testing her patience. “The threat against our kind continues to grow stronger every day. I’m doing what I must to ensure my own survival.” A cruel, suggestive smile paints her lips. “Plus, you’ve been with Gabriel, haven’t you?” She doesn’t wait for me to answer before she rises from her chair. “Take your time and consider what I’ve offered you, Calla.” She walks toward the door without turning back, but she does add, “In the meantime, you need to eat and regain some strength. I’ll have the housekeeper bring something up shortly.”

The door clicks shut behind her, and a shiver crawls through me despite the warmth emanating from the fireplace. Alone with nothing but the soft crackle of flames next to me, my mind takes a dive back to being brought here. I try desperately to think through each minute, everything that happened from being grabbed off the street, all the way to the moment everything went dark. Bile rises in my throat at the horrific, blood-chilling memory of Dante’s unforgiving grip on me. The way he taunted me before sinking his teeth into my throat and drinking my blood.

I swallow hard, shaking my head in an attempt to shove the memory of sharp pain away. It’s not one that will soon fade. That’s if it ever does.

As much as I’ve wanted to escape my fate of being tied to the vampires, the idea of selling Gabriel out, forcing him to return to his sire makes my stomach roil. Of all people, he doesn’t deserve that.

Blinking back the sudden onslaught of tears, I press my fist to my lips, struggling to hold back the sound.