"Come on, girl." I urge Pickles to quit being so dramatic and follow us. "I'll tell you more when we reach the beach."

Pickles shoots me the most pathetic look I've ever seen and pushes the pink ball toward me.

"Oh my God." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "This dog is going to give me high blood pressure."

"She's adorable and she knows it." Rusty picks up the ball and chucks it down the path. "Let's head to the beach."

* * *

The sand is stillwarm even though it's evening when we reach the beach. There are a few surfers in the distance, but they’re at the public access point.Thispart of the beach is private, which is exactly the way I like it.

Truthfully, I didn't know what the Hamptons were when Daddy offered to bring me here. But now, I know they’re heaven on Earth.

"Now that we've played with Pickles," Rusty begins, intertwining his arm with mine, "it's time to hear about Benedetto."

I let out a sigh. "Promise not to tell your Daddies. Benedetto and I will get into trouble."

Rusty furrows his brow. "I still don't get that."

The truth is on the tip of my tongue. If Gianluca and Constantine discover we're dating, they’ll think I'll sabotage the mission. But I’m not supposed to be aware of the mission, so I can't say this.

"You’ll have to ask them." I lead my friends toward the water. "I'm not sure, either."

Arlo tosses the pink tennis ball. "We need to hear what's going on. If you don't spill the beans, we’ll ask Benedetto ourselves."

"You won't tell Gianluca and Constantine?" I say sternly.

Arlo makes a zipping motion over his lips. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Benedetto is… my Daddy." I can't help but blush as I say this. "It feels good to get that off my chest."

Rusty squeals and claps. "Oh my God." He buries me in a hug. "I'm so damn happy to hear that. I was thinking, fuck, when will those two get together? It felt like it’d never happen."

Arlo brings his thumb to his chin. "I had a feeling it would. Wesley just needed to give Benedetto time."

I stare at the glorious sun reflecting over the sea. I tell my friends about my wonderful date with Benedetto at the park. I confide in them that I kissed Benedetto and we got up to shenanigans at Louis Vuitton.

"Does Benedetto have a big dick?" Arlo flashes me a cheeky grin. "I bet it's enormous."

Rusty licks his lower lip. "Big guys always have big dicks, Arlo. It's like the first rule of biology."

I nearly choke on my spit. Is this boy serious?

"He has ahugedick, for your information," I snap, glaring at Arlo. "It's even bigger than mine."

Arlo wolf whistles. "That's saying something." He playfully nods. "I remember seeing your dick at Little Land. I thought it was a prosthetic."

"I don't need a prosthetic." I shake my head. "This is all natural, baby. It's what the Lord gave me."

Arlo suddenly gasps. "Oh shit. I have alien floaties I wanted to bring to the beach. But I left them at the house."

I shrug noncommittally. "Why don't you run back and grab them? We’ll wait here."

Rusty grins. "We can pick up this conversation about Wesley's dick when you return."

"And Benedetto's dick," Arlo reminds us, wagging his finger in Rusty's face. "I want all the tea, sister."

Arlo darts down the path as fast as he can. I chuckle when he's gone. "Y’all are off your rockers."