"You can tell us about your experiences when you're ready." Arlo places his hand on mine. "We want to be there for you and help you through your trauma. It can't be easy."

"But we don't want to rush you." Rusty's voice is adamant as he leads us to the hot tub. "That's what my Daddy told me. We need to go at your pace so we don't trigger any traumatic memories."

I smile. "That's very considerate. I appreciate it."

Rusty stops when we reach the hot tub. "Here we are." He gestures to the foaming bubbles. "My friend Karter likes to play with the rubber duckies."

I start to feel small. "Is Karter a Little, too?"

"Yes. Karter is probably one of the Littlest friends in my buddy Christian's group. You'll meet Christian when we have a slumber party. His friends are such a blast."

"I think I might be a Little, after all." Warmth bubbles up in my body. "I like the idea of playing with rubber duckies."

I didn’t have a childhood growing up. Perhaps this is a way to reclaim what my captors stole from me.

Arlo lets out a laugh. "Last one in the hot tub is a rotten egg."

I unbutton my onesie all the way and thrust it to the ground. After pulling off my special briefs Benedetto gave me, I step into the hot tub. That's when the astonished gasps reach my ears.

"Oh my God." Rusty places his hand on my shoulder. "Is that thing real?"

I furrow my brow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I glance between my legs where Rusty is looking. I see my dick, long and soft. It almost reaches my knees. But I don't know why my friends are concerned.

"Your dick." Rusty can barely believe his eyes. "It's so big."

I glance at my friends’ dicks. They both have average-sized cocks, around two inches flaccid. I’d assume they’d reach about five inches hard. Lots of my friends had dicks like that.

"I guess mine is slightly bigger." I shrug, because this is so unimportant. Dick size doesn’t fascinate me after seeing so many. "This is actually the reason I was a top at the warehouse. They wouldn’t let me bottom because men preferred my cock in their asses."

All of a sudden, a memory surges across my brain. I remember one of my captors telling me this exact thing as he broke into my cage. He dropped to his knees and said he wanted to sample my wares.

He removed his ski mask—it was the only time one of my captors ever took off their mask—and showed me his face. He wanted to touch my extra-large dick in person.

It suddenly clicks that this is theexact same manwho was lying dead next to me in the alley.

"Holy fuck." Excitement blazes in my mind. This is the first thing I’ve remembered since I escaped the warehouse. "I just remembered something."

"What?" Arlo leaps into the hot tub and splashes in the bubbles.

Awww, gosh. These two boys are so sweet. But they're very innocent. They don't need to hear about the disgusting things I’ve been through. It’d kill their joy and they might not be as strong as me.

"I'll tell you later." After picking up a rubber ducky, I slide into the hot tub. "I must speak with Benedetto first."

I make a mental note to tell Benedetto about this recovered memory tonight.



I pickup my glass of scotch and collapse on the sofa. Wesley and I are back at my house after spending the day at Little Land. It was great watching him play with Arlo and Rusty and I know they bonded.

God, can you say adorable? All the boys looked so sweet as they giggled and splashed in the hot tub. But when Wesley said he had something to tell me in private, I knew it was time to leave.

"Here you go, boy." After picking Pickles up from the floor, I set her next to Wesley. "Pickles is your comfort animal, remember. You can hug her if you need moral support."

"Thank you." Wesley pulls Pickles toward him and wraps her in a hug. "Iwillprobably need her."