I take his hand in mine. "The Diavolo brothers kept me here for years. But my Daddy saved me tonight. He wants to save you, too."

The boy crawls out of the cage. "Promise you won't hurt me?"

I extend my pinky finger. "I swear nothing will happen to you. But we need to leave."

The boy hugs me. "Please don't let me down."

Fuck. This is the exact same reaction I had when Benedetto brought me to Gianluca’s private hospital room. Last month, I didn't trust him. I thought the room was the ward in this warehouse where they chopped boys’ dicks off.

I return to Benedetto’s side. "Room B is clear."

Benedetto tilts my chin up. "I'm proud of you, angel." He drags his thumb across my cheek. "This wasn't easy coming back. I'm so fucking sorry those men took you earlier. But you helped us so much tonight."

I stare into Benedetto's eyes. Those beautiful, hazel eyes that I’ve looked into so many times. This morning, they possess an otherworldly quality, something substantial and concrete. I can't help but ogle them as I burrow into his chest, his big, safe body that I've craved for so long, and plant a soft kiss on his skin.

This man taught me what trust was. He taught me what it meant to believe in another human. He wasn't like my captors who hurt me and forced me to do sick things.

"It’s an honor." I stand firm. "I had an obligation to help these boys, Daddy. Our captors kept me in here for a long time and I was their compatriot in this hellhole. Fuck knows how I escaped, but I had an obligation to rescue them."

"That's why I love you," Benedetto growls, inching close to me.

My heart flutters in my chest. I stare at this wonderful man, this big goofball who I love with all my heart, and place my palm on his chest. "You love me?"

"Yes, angel." Benedetto tucks a strand of hair over my ear, then presses his lips to mine. "I fucking love you."

"I love you too, Daddy." I kiss him passionately, surrendering to his touch. "I love you with all my fucking heart."

When we finish kissing, we turn to the boys who’ve crawled out of their cages. There are twenty in total. They look like shit, skinny and undernourished. Their ribs stick out of their chests, and their hair is scraggly and long.

"Is everyone out?" Benedetto booms.

The boys glance around at the cages. "Yes."

"Follow us."

We lead them out of Room B into the adjoining hallway. I take one last look at the room, packed with cages, and bite my tongue. This is the place that contained so many terrible memories for me, so much fucking torture and death.

Good riddance. I hope the Antonovs bomb it to smithereens.

Benedetto meets his brothers in the hall. "Did you clear Rooms A and B?"

"Yes." Gianluca and Constantine gesture to the legion of boys behind them. "These bastards are so fucking sick."

"They’ll get what they deserve." Benedetto's voice is firm. "They never should’ve started this operation."

Constantine turns to the boys. "Follow me to the upper section of the warehouse. This place is going to blow."

One of the boys sniffles as he rubs his eyes. "But what about my teddy?" A tear slips down his cheek. "I left him in my cage."

Arlo pats the boy’s back. "Let's return and grab him. But we must go fast."

The boy nods. "Thank you."

As Arlo and the boy rush back to get his teddy, Benedetto and his brothers herd the rest of the boys onto the manufacturing floor. They let out a roar as they shoot down the locked door that separates this section of the warehouse from the drug trade.

The door flies off its hinges and gives way to the manufacturing facility. "Everyone out." Constantine marches through the door, ready to blow off a motherfucker's head.

The boys follow Constantine into the main section of the warehouse. Arlo and the young boy run back in the nick of time, the forgotten teddy in hand.