Now he’s back.

He'll learn not to run from us again.

The fucking Ferraris and Antonovs will learn, too.

Only one fucking family can run New York.



I tryto scream as the man thrusts his hand over my lips.

"Quit fucking talking." He rams the butt of his gun into my chin. Sharp, searing pain washes over me and my jaw aches and stars dance before my eyes.

A wave of nausea floods my senses, making me want to hurl. When I attempt to regain my balance, I crash to my feet.

I slam onto the floor and let out a cry. Blood trickles from my hands and my head throbs, but the man behind me doesn't care. He rams his gun against my head once again, then drags his hand down my back.

"Get the fuck up." His sneering voice is unrelenting, and it sends chills racing down my spine. It's also familiar as hell and while I can't place it, I know I've heard it before. "I won't ask you again, fucker. Obey me."

I pry myself up from the ground. There’s a big gash on my left hand, coated in a thin layer of dirt. Blood smears my skin, and when I wipe my palm on my scrubs, it leaves a mark.

The man shoves me against the wall. I cry again as my back slams into the concrete.

"Take your clothes off." His beady eyes rake up and down my body, as if he's taking inventory of my attributes. He waves his gun in my face. "Don't think of running like last time. We know who you are and why you're back. You're not getting out of here again. Get naked."

I quiver as I look around. Arlo, Rusty, and I are in the shower room with the tiny, cramped cubbies where they packed us in like sardines. It looks more like a fucking meat packing plant than a shower down here.

Arlo sniffles. "I don't know what you're talking about, sir. We’re employees at this warehouse."

The man marches over to Arlo. "I’d keep that pretty mouth shut if I were you." He presses his gun against Arlo's lips and touches the trigger. "We don't know who the fuck you are, so you're the only one who can get out of here alive. I'd advise you to cooperate if you don't want to end up with the same fate as your friends."

Rusty crosses his arms over his chest. "You can't do this to us." He shoots the fiercest glare I've ever seen at the man. "Our Daddies are upstairs."

"Rusty." I slam my elbow against his ribs. "Hush. They’re not supposed to know that."

The man removes his gun from Arlo's lips and heads back to me. "We know everything." He wraps his fingers around my neck and thrusts my head against the wall. "The Ferrari brothers are upstairs right now searching for you. It was stupid as fuck for them to bring you here. Now you're in a worse position than before."

Ducking down, I swing out of the man's grip. I rush to the end of the room, then press myself against the wall to make myself appear as small as possible.

"You don't know who you're messing with." I say these words as earnestly as I can. "Our Daddies are more powerful than you'll ever be. They have connections with Mafia families in the city to take you out."

"Is that so?" The man marches over to me. "You always had a mouth on you. If I were in your shoes, I'd shut the fuck up so I didn't give away any more information."

"I'm not giving away anything." I ball my fists. "I'm telling you exactly what will happen if you don't let us leave. My Daddy will put your head on a platter."

"Your Daddy, eh?" Grabbing my hair roughly, the man yanks me away from the wall and drags me back to Arlo and Rusty. Pain shoots across my body, but I force myself to stay strong. "In here, you had a Daddy too, boy. Didn't you? Too fucking bad he couldn't convince you to stay away from this goddamn place. You never should've returned because we’re going to teach you a lesson now."

"Our Daddies will murder you," Arlo growls at the man. "Let us go this instant. We'll spare your life."

"Take off your clothes."

"Never." I refuse to back down.

"You shouldn't have any fucking problem stripping naked," he sneers, cocking his gun. "You were our most prized possession. Unlike the other boys, you had it made.”

"You abused me." My eyes burn, but I don't let it show. "Just like you abused everyone else. You made me service men at all hours of the day for money."