I pull out my phone.

Me:Are you close

"I'm waiting on their response," I grit out.

"Tell them we need their distraction." Constantine is unwavering. "We can't pull off our operation without them."

I glance around the warehouse. The workers—mostly immigrants—are busy at their stations, not paying attention to us. What's taking so long?

"Don't move." I motion for Gianluca to stay with the boys. "Constantine and I need to make a call."

Gianluca nods. "Don't take too long."

Constantine follows me to a side table. "What the fuck? The Antonovs are supposed to be here by now."

I open my contacts and call Nikolai. He answers on the first ring.

"Where are you?" I demand.

"We need to wait." Nikolai's voice barely comes through the phone.


"Five guards are perched on top of the warehouse with machine guns. We can't get close enough without them blowing our helicopter to pieces."

I turn around and motion for Gianluca to join us.

Gianluca instructs our boys to stay put and then rushes to my side. "What is it?"

"The Antonovs can't get close enough to set off the distraction." I hand Gianluca the phone.

"Fuck,” Gianluca snaps.

"I'll jump the guard and handcuff him to the door." I keep my voice low. "You tell the warehouse workers to get the fuck out because we’re taking this place hostage."

"What will Constantine and I do?"

"You take Rusty and Wesley to the door that leads to Room B. Once you’re in the basement, Wesley knows how to get there."

"What about Arlo?"

"Arlo needs to leave with the warehouse workers. He's already seen his medication firsthand and he must go before the dangerous part."

Gianluca returns my phone. "Let's do it."

We spin around.

But when we do, our boys are gone.



These fuckingboys shouldn't have come to this warehouse. As if they really think they could pull this fucking stunt off.

We have the blond one’s face, height, and hands locked into our system. He was the only exclusive top we ever had in our sex trafficking operation.

We knew he vanished without a trace one month ago, although we never learned what happened to him.