"What, boy?"

A breath escapes his lips. "I don't recall stabbing him." He shakes his head. "Nor do I think I would. I've fantasized about hurting my captors, but I'd never be brave enough. I know I was holding the knife, so I probably did it. But I can't picture myself doing that."

I twirl a strand of Wesley’s hair around my index finger as I mull this. I have no doubt Wesley killed his captor. I don't blame him, and I'd never judge him for it.

Yet why doesn’t he remember doing it? Come to think of it, he’s too nice to hurt anyone. I've only known Wesley for a brief time, but he's the sweetest young man I've ever met.

I can't imagine him stabbing anyone, even if they've hurt him. He's the type of boy to subject himself to further abuse because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Go to your room, boy." After lifting Wesley up from the sofa, I pat his bum. "I have some thinking to do."

Wesley nods. "I really liked when you held me just now." His voice is as soft as silk. "And when you touched my bum. I wouldn't mind if you came to my room and did it again."

I force myself to ignore his request. "I'll think about it, sweet one." I pull out my phone. "First, I must speak to my brothers."



Later that night

I cock the hammer of my Glock as I step into the darkness. I'm with Constantine, Gianluca, and Rusty, and we just arrived at our destination. We’re in the alley outside the Yonkers warehouse. We need to scope this place out so we can prepare for our mission in a few weeks and get Wesley back to his family as quickly as possible.

If the Bettencourts evenarehis family. I have my doubts.

Gianluca grits his teeth. "Did your assistant turn off the alley cameras?"

"Yes." I don't mince words. "He switched the cameras at the entrance and side door off, too. They won't spot us."

Last night, I chatted with my assistant about this mission. I told him we were taking Rusty with us to the warehouse to scope out the best entry points. Rusty worked at the Yonkers warehouse for four years and suffered the brunt of the Diavolos’ vicious brutality. He knows the best ways to sneak inside.

Constantine tugs out his gun. "I don't like this." He glances around the alley. "Wesley broke out nine days ago. Their security will be on high alert."

"We don't have a choice." I hate to admit it. "If we don't find our entry point tonight, we won't have another opportunity."

"This is inconvenient as fuck." Gianluca spits on the ground. "Wesley should've waited another three weeks to break out."

I glare at Gianluca. "You wouldn't say that if you knew half of the things he suffered in that warehouse."

"I don't doubt it's bad." Gianluca shoots me a look. "But we need to break in there to end the Diavolos’ reign of terror once and for all. This is the worst timing."

I can't help but agree with my brother. We’ve planned this mission for months, and we must put it into action before the Diavolos stop us. Our family has a circle of trust and secrets rarely escape, but we'd only need to raise suspicions for the Diavolos to sabotage our plan. It's a risk we can't afford to take.

If Wesley had waited another few weeks to break free, we'd be in the clear. We likely would've discovered him in the basement and rescued him anyway. The fact that he drew attention to flaws in the Diavolos’ security apparatus means it'll be even more difficult for us to pull off our operation.

Rusty blinks hard. "Are you ready?" He shuffles his feet. "I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."

I look at Rusty in the alley lights. His red hair shines and his eyes are fierce. He wears the black hoodie Gianluca purchased for him and he looks like a little spy.

I can't help but give him a proud Papa Bear nod. He's come so far from the teary boy he was when Gianluca met him at the Rainbow Youth shelter two years ago. He’s a fighter now, a boy who’ll stop at nothing to combat injustice.

"Let's do it." I walk over to Rusty. "We’re grateful for your assistance."

"I really hate this place." Rusty bites his lip as he stares at the warehouse. "I had some of the worst moments of my life here. The managers who ordered me around when I brought the garbage to the alley were so mean."

Gianluca slinks his arm around Rusty's waist. "I'll make them pay, boy. It's obvious they were doing a lot worse than manufacturing illegal drugs in this place."

"You can say that again." Rusty stares at his feet. "Wesley refuses to discuss his past, but I know it's bad. I think there are more boys like him in this warehouse."