"Your Daddy?" Wesley furrows his brow in confusion.

"This is my Daddy." Rusty steps back and gestures to Gianluca in the hallway. "He took care of you in his hospital room."

Happiness blossoms on Wesley's features. "Oh, I remember." He bites back a grin. "I wouldn't be here today without him."

Arlo buries Wesley in a hug. "I'm Arlo. Rusty's friend."

"Oh my Gosh." Rusty can't control his excitement. "Look at your puppy. He'ssooocute."

"She." My voice is a growl as I correct Rusty. "Don't get it twisted, sweetheart. She gets very sensitive when people call her a boy."

Rusty rolls his eyes. "Let me pet her." He bounces up and down. "She’s so pretty and perfect. I want to kiss her and give her treats!"

Arlo takes Wesley's hand. "Let's sit in a circle and play with Pickles. We can all pet her that way."

"Be careful, boys." I walk to where the boys are standing and massage Wesley's back. "Your new friend has just come out of a very stressful situation and he needs extra time with Pickles. Please respect that."

"Is Pickles your comfort animal?" Rusty arches his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure." Wesley turns his confused eyes up to me. "Is she?"

I pat his head. "Yes. Pickles is your comfort animal for the next few weeks. Any time you're stressed, hug her and you'll feel better. She'll always be there in the morning to give you kisses and lots of love."

Wesley hugs Pickles as hard as he can. "I'm glad to hear that. I've never had a comfort animal."

"Come here, girl." Arlo pats the ground next to him and beckons Pickles. "If you kiss me, I'll give you a treat."

The three boys play together and laugh as they bond with Pickles. When I head to the door to meet with my brothers, Wesley shoots me a troubled glance.

"Will you be back soon?" He shakes on the floor, his limbs twitching. "I don't want to cause trouble. I just need to know how long you'll be gone."

I stare at the boy on the floor, so nervous as he watches me leave. God, I've never had anyone look at me this way. I shouldn't think these things, because I'm only watching him until we return him to his family. But something about him speaks to a part of me I thought was long dead.

"I'll only be fifteen minutes." I shoot Wesley a curt nod. "I'll be back before you know it."

Rusty can't control his excitement. "Is Benedetto your Daddy?" He picks up another treat. "Because I would've dated Benedetto if I wasn't already with his brother.”

Wesley blushes. “Benedetto is my rescuer. He saved me eight days ago."

After I wave goodbye to Wesley one last time, I head to the meeting with my brothers.

I tell them about Wesley's reactions to his childhood weeping willow tree and how it didn't register in his mind.

We discuss the fact that the Diavolos are likely on high alert and combing the city for him.

We push up the operation to break into their warehouse so we can pounce while the iron is hot.

Constantine places his hand on my shoulder. "You're doing a good thing looking after this boy. Lots of men wouldn't."

"It's the least I can do." I grit my teeth, ignoring the way Wesley stared at me as I left the room. "I'm helping him out."

"Hey." Gianluca hands me a glass of scotch. "Rusty and Arlo are heading to Little Land tomorrow. Would he like to tag along?"

We peer into the room where Wesley’s playing with his new friends. He's asking Rusty where he got his onesie and if he has any extras. When he sees me, he blushes shyly and hides behind his caterpillar stuffy.

I nod. "He's been through so much shit over the past few years. I think he'd love to come."