I rub his lower back. "Don't worry about it, sweet boy. We'll sort this out, eventually."

A sunbeam crashes across his face. For the first time, I see his irises in the blazing sun. They glisten with an unspecified intensity, and I can't help but think they look incredible.

Wesley blows out a breath. "Can I have ice cream?"

"Ice cream?"

"It was the one thing the bad men let me have when I was good." He fights off tears. "I liked mint chocolate chip. I sometimes ate it in my cage with Ollie."

Oh my God. This poor angel. I feel so bad for him and the shit he went through.

"Yes." I run my thumb across his cheek, brushing away another tear. "We can get ice cream. I'll take you to Dairy Queen."

He lets out a sob as he thrusts his arms around my neck. "Thank you."

As we exit the Bettencourt’s backyard, I can't help but think how strange it is that Wesley didn't remember the tree. He should recall this, if he is the Bettencourt boy.

I must message my brothers about this.



The next morning


My voice is muffled as I turn over in bed. I clutch Ernie to my chest, then kiss his body as the scary dreams depart. I dreamt I was back in the warehouse, locked in my cage and preparing to do disgusting things to a client.

My captors, who I was so sure I’d never see again yesterday, pressed a gun to my head and said that I was a fool to think I'd escape.

“This is your home. You belong to us.”

In my crazy dream, the only good part was… Benedetto. He burst through the metal door that separated the basement from the rest of the warehouse and pulled out the Glock he gave me yesterday.

He slammed it into my captors’ faces, beating each one to a pulp before he approached me. He extended his hand, unlocked my cage, and heaved me into his arms.

No doubt, my dream stems from the day I had yesterday. Hell, less than twenty-four hours ago I was walking with Benedetto, looking at an amazing willow tree. He also took me out for ice cream after our trip, and I ate three servings of mint chocolate chip.

Maybe my dream was a subconscious yearning for him.

"You can't do this." My voice is firm as I roll over in bed, snuggling in my blanket. It's the first comfortable thing I've had in years. I don't remember what my room was like before the men took me. I've tried to envision my previous life in my mind, but I come up short every time. "Benedetto could be a monster just like your captors. He could work for them."

This is true. I’ve made the mistake of trusting men who claimed they wanted to help me. Once in a while, a new client would inform me he wanted to pull me out of my cage, sort of like that moviePretty Woman.

Ollie and I saw it once on a prohibited laptop. I don't know where he procured the laptop, but unfortunately, it wasn’t hooked up to Wi-Fi, so we couldn’t contact the authorities.

Benedetto is nothing like my abusers. Instead of whisking me away, they had sex with me and never spoke to me again. They were liars, each one. It didn't matter how hard I worked or how well I topped them. At the end of our sessions, they laughed and told me they’d be back for me. Not a single one ever returned.

"What do you think, Ernie?" I turn my caterpillar stuffy over and look into his eyes.

In captivity, I formed a special bond with Ernie that transcended friendship. The other boys teased me, but deep down, they understood. I speak to Ernie and treat him like a real pet, even though he doesn't have a brain. "What's your opinion on Benedetto?"

Ernie tilts to one side, and for a moment, I believe he'll actually speak. But he doesn't. He simply rolls back in my hand and reflects the morning sun.

I let out a sigh as I set him down, then adjust my pillow. "Lots of help you are, bud." Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare at my stuffy.

I wish I could remember how I got him. He's the one thing my captors let me keep from my past life, and I’ve cherished him ever since. You think I’d remember where I acquired such an important stuffed animal, but my mind draws a blank. No matter how hard I attempt to peek through the veiled curtain of Time, I can't. It's impenetrable.