Page 84 of Comfort Me, Daddy

“Didn’t it feel good to you? You brought me down hard, you’d have smeared me in the dirt. You like it?”

He shook his head. “Not really. It was scary. And… scary.”

“You got some scary in you,” I told him, knowing exactly what he meant. How so much flashed through you so fast when you went flying, how you lost track of everything for a second, even yourself.

“It’s a lot harder than it looks. I didn’t remember half the things you told me to do.”

“You still knocked my ass down good anyway. It was a nice hit.”

“Because you told me your weak spot. Why is that your weak spot? You’re not hurt there, are you?” He pulled back quick, like that had just occurred to him, like I’d have been telling him to jam me in the cracked ribs or something, and I almost laughed.

“Nah. I don’t play dirty like that. Just knocks me off balance real good. Makes me lose track of where I am for a second.”

I slammed one of his arms away, taking out his support so he fell heavy on my chest with a grunt and I kissed him.

Truth was, Caleb Fucking Heath was my weak spot and we both knew it.


I’d been waiting so longfor a late night text that would turn my life back upside down that when my phone lit up, vibrating on the bedside table, I was awake pretty much before it happened, groping in the dark, choking back bile, clenching my stomach as I slid away silent from Caleb’s warm body.

I sat up, preparing for the worst, not even sure what that would be, other thanget home now, you piece of shit, or some other mom-message, but instead it was a text from fucking Ellis. My heart rate crashed in a way that was probably not healthy and I tucked my panic back in my pocket.

Team meeting.

I blinked in the dark, sitting up, frowning and annoyed, and checked the time. One-thirty. He had to be fucking drunk.

WTF,I texted back, glancing over at Caleb again, but he was dead asleep, arm up over his head, mouth open, looking-like-his-neck-was-broken passed out, and the fact that I thought that was sexy said some shit about me I didn’t want to think about. Especially at fucking one-thirty.

I’m at the field. I know you’re at Millstone, get over here.

My heart beat a little harder even though I guess it was probably no secret where Caleb lived, and since it was no secret I lived with Caleb, I’m not sure what I thought I was hiding. Except maybe that I was texting him six inches from a naked Beast who was worn the fuck out from me riding his dick for an hour while he quizzed me on Chemistry. He drilled that shit into me hard, no doubt. Twisted motherfucker.

What for?I typed back after a minute. I should have just ignored him to begin with, but who the fuck typedteam meetingin the middle of the night?


What does that mean?

Means get over here.

He was just going to type me in cryptic circles all night if I kept trying to get anything else out of him. But I could guess what was up well enough. Getting punched in the mouth wasn’t much of a deterrent for Ellis. If anything, it just made him zone in harder. Which could be good or bad, but if it involved Walker, kind of felt like I was involved too.

I never asked him to, but he trusted me, and he definitely didn’t trust Ellis on or off the field. It was pretty fucking clear at this point they couldn’t work this out themselves. And I just didn’t know how not to be responsible for other people’s problems even when I didn’t give a shit.

I looked over at Caleb, at the empty spot right beside him where I could shove myself up against his shoulder. I could practically feel his arm wrap around me, how he’d kiss the side of my head, even in his sleep, how easy I could sack right back out in this giant bed, my nightmares not gone, but easier to deal with every time I woke up next to him.

Didn’t mean all my responsibilities were gone, though.

I slipped out of bed and grabbed my sneakers and my keys, heading out as quiet as I could, tiptoeing down the creaky stairs to try and keep from waking anyone up. The whole building seemed to be asleep at one-thirty, which was normal, I guess, but sure as hell not what my neighborhood was like.

I should have grabbed my hoodie too. It was fucking cold in my sweats and tshirt, my nips going all pop-rock the second I got outside. Everything was shut up tight except for one club I could hear bouncing a street over. No late-night diners or all-night dog groomers, just a lot of lanterns and twinkly lights like I was jogging through some fairy tale forest or something. Seriously, what grown ass person even wanted to live in this part of town? Ones that went to bed early I guess.

* * *

When I got to the field,Ellis was all the way at the far end, lining up to kick off a block. I watched him run like a bull and bite it hard, kicking it for 10 wide yards, barely two feet off the ground before it bounced into the gutter and he went after it. His hands might have been magic, but his feet were not.

“Don’t quit your day job,” I called out as I trotted his way, and my voice was so fucking loud in the quiet.