“Jesus Christ, Ellis.”
“I hear you are a big dick,” Caleb said easily, leaning on the fence, barely giving him the time of day, and I snorted.
Ellis narrowed his eyes and looked between us again, annoyed. “Yeah, I don’t see it,” he finally muttered.
“What the fuck are you guys doing? Practice isn’t over.” Walker came jogging our way, wiping sweat off his chin and scowling.
Walker took his frustration out on the field like everybody else, but since he couldn’t slam guys, he did it by swinging his dick around, herding stragglers and yelling hustle like he thought that capital C made him head coach. Wasn’t winning him any friends especially when he was still looking shaky, but I didn’t care all that much if acting like a big shot helped him get his swagger back. Football was half role play anyway.
And if he wanted to bark at me in front of The Beast, I guess I couldn’t see that being a bad thing.
“Get the fuck up, run it out,” he told Ellis, pointing down the end length of the track.
“Nah, I’m done.”
“You’re about to be if Coach sees you on the ground. He’s not playing today.” He looked over in Caleb’s direction like he was just noticing him, which frankly was impossible. “Sup, Caleb,” he said, nodding.
“Hey, Chris.”
I watched Caleb look him over, super subtle, but I swear I could read every flick of his eyes now, almost read his mind. I’d have bet a million bucks he was imagining Walker on his knees sucking my dick. Yanking him up by the hair and fucking me in front of him. It was sure as hell what I was imagining.
Poor Walker probably thought I was gonna rail him a few weeks back, and a few weeks back I probably was. Shit changed quick when you started calling your tutor fucking Daddy.
“How’s the chem?” Walker asked him, giving him a subtle sweep back that Ellis missed because he was trying to catch a grasshopper, but nobody else did.
“Doing good. Bout to steal him and clock some more hours.”
I got a warm, wild little thrill when he said that, like it wasn’t just a normal turn of phrase. Stealing me. Yeah, I liked when he did that. I needed to be grabbing at The Beast with my greedy hands like an hour ago, listening to him tell me who I belonged to and how obsessed he was with me.
“Yeah, well, we’re running long today,” Walker finally said, whipping me on the arm with his sweaty towel. “Come on. Cool down time.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Fuck you, cool down time. Laps are cool down.”
He shook his head. “Not today.”
“What the fuck, we haven’t had Monday cool down since week two,” Ellis groaned, struggling to stand up.
“Yeah, and who’d we play week two, what do you think that means?” Walker grabbed his pads and hauled him up by the shoulder.
Ellis bent over and spit in the grass, pawing his hands through his hair and scowling, looking so beat I almost felt sorry for him. “Goddamnit it,” he muttered, finally getting upright and stretching his back.
“What does it mean?” Caleb asked, and they both turned around suspicious, like he was asking for insider information.
“Means Coach thinks Ollie’s gonna stomp all over us again and he’s gonna run us into the ground all week,” I told him.
“Yeah, good luck staying awake to study,” Ellis laughed. “You’re fucked.”
“Shut up, asshole.” Walker shoved him in the shoulder and they started slow jogging the rest of the lap.
“Guess I’ll be a little longer,” I told Caleb, backing away from the fence slowly. “Cool down stretch is like an extra twenty. Plus yelling. Plus, you know, all that locker room dick.”
His mouth tightened up and his eyes got hot, and god, he didn’t look like a dirty fuck but he sure was one.
“Now why would you want to waste time with that when you’ve got this big dick waiting for you at home.”
I snorted. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
“You been bragging about me?” he teased, and I shook my head, a little embarrassed and not really sure why.