Page 44 of Comfort Me, Daddy

It wasn’t just the idea of being caught that was turning me on, though. It was him watching me. Knowing— fuckingknowing— The Beast was sitting back there with his feet kicked up on the extra chair next to him, probably with his fingers laced behind his neck, juststaringat my ass.Feelingme squirm even though I was doing my game day best to stay still.

I just kept swallowing and swallowing, staring ahead until my vision got all tunneled out and dark around the edges and my body got so hot I felt a little dizzy. What the fuck was I into exactly? Humiliation?Publichumiliation?Secretpublic humiliation? Or was I even into any of this? Maybe it was just him I was into, all giant and strong and safe and calm and anything he said would sound so good to me I’d beg to do it.

That actually sounded pretty fucking true.

He was so stealth on his feet, so impossibly quiet, but he couldn’t hide his size or the shadow he made when he stood up and walked across the library towards me. I watched it sneak across the shelves until it was looming over me, and I felt his giant body so close he seemed to be snatching air out of my lungs.

When he reached over me to casually stroke his long fingers up and down the spine of that thick red book, like he was just so interested in the natural world, I swear I couldn’t breathe at all. Just his shadow and the smallest brush of his arm against my shoulder edging me right to the goddamn end zone.

“Have you learned your lesson?” he asked me quietly, and I could hear the smirk in his voice, it made my gut clench and my dick throb and my vision go all starry, and Jesus Christ did I want to be at home with him, stretched out in his giant bed while he ate me alive with his eyes and his hands and his mouth.


He reached his hand back and let it rest on my shoulder for a fraction of a second before he brushed his knuckles down my spine, all the way to my ass, and my head just dropped I was so exhausted from the teasing.

“What did you learn?” He slipped a finger into one of my belt loops and tugged, and I turned around, those extra inches seeming like a fucking foot when I looked up at him, inhaled hard at how close he was, how deep he was crowding me back into the stacks, how hot his eyes were for me.

If he made a move, I’d let him, I realized, and that stunned me a little, probably more than it should have. But if he wanted to kiss me or grab me or pin me to the shelves, I’d absolutely fucking allow it no matter who might be watching, that’s what I’d learned.

But he didn’t.

He kept his distance, not exactly innocent looking, but nothing provable, nothing that broke that promise that this was just between us because I didn’t need anything else to worry about right now. He was doing just what I wanted and it was kind of pissing me off.

He raised an eyebrow up, still waiting for me to answer, I realized, and I swallowed, stuffed my scrambled up brains back in my head, and concentrated on my dick— which grading on a curve wasn’t so confused at all.

“Learned I like playing games in the library.”


I swear to god, the burgersin the cafeteria got smaller every week. Which could have been true, who the hell knew how schools cut corners.

My gut wasn’t actually echoing like it normally was this time of day thanks to Caleb forcing breakfast down my throat, but I’d definitely burned off most of that getting horny in the library, so here I was starving again anyway. Riggs grabbed one of my soggy fries when I sat down across from him, even though he had a whole basket of tater tots to choose from, and I barely kept myself from growling at him.

“Hey, where’d you go Friday night?” he asked me, reaching over and dipping my fry in Walker’s ketchup. “Everybody was looking for you.”

I blinked, frowning. I barely remembered Friday night, and not because I drank it away. Pizza and kegs and Walker trying to suck my dick before I went home to watch my mom stumble and slur in the driveway seemed like another lifetime ago and I guess maybe it was. “Everybody who?”

Riggs shrugged. “I don’t know. I was.”

“He got lonely because Ally bailed on him,” Walker filled me in. “Again.”

“You get a girlfriend and see how easy it is,” Riggs told him.

“Yeah, because you make it look so appealing.”

“It’s got perks. Ally’s got sixty girlfriends who’d all die if you asked them out.”

“Yeah, mass casualties sounds real hot.”

Riggs shook his head. “I don’t even understand what you’re saying.”

“I’m saying I have better shit to do than fight in the hallways and fight at parties and break up ten times a week,” Walker told him, which was a bullshit non-answer kind of answer and it sucked watching him blow it off that way, but he did have a point, no matter who he actually felt like dating.

“The more you break up, the more hot make up sex you have,” Ellis said, coming around the table, and Riggs kicked his feet up on the seat next to him when he tried to sit down.

Walker snorted. “Like you’re an expert on literally anything in that sentence.”

“Nah, he’s actually right about that. Make up sex is the best sex,” Riggs agreed, but no way did I buy that.