Page 94 of Comfort Me, Daddy

“Ellis had his hands all fucking over you,” I told him, unbuttoning and unzipping, reaching in and feeling the hard mound bulging out the front of his briefs.

He laughed again and then moaned softly. “He what?”

“Squeezing your arm, grabbing your ass, feeling you up on the field right in front of me,” I growled. “I saw.”

“He was just telling me how bad my stance was,” he said, grabbing the back of my neck as I licked and bit all over his chest. “Doing what you do. Moving me around the right way.”

“Yeah, I’mallowedto do that,” I told him, squeezing his dick. “I’myour fucking boyfriend. He was just getting handsy. Even Walker noticed.”

“Hmm. That make you jealous, baby? Somebody else’s hands on me?”

“Fuck yeah it does.” I was playing, but I wasn’t playing. Yeah, I knew odds were Ellis wasn’t into him. Maybe into fucking with me, into getting me to admit The Beast and I were more than just study partners, or maybe not even that. I was still an unhealthy level of possessive, and big fucking shocker, it made my dick hard too. “I don’t want anybody touching you. Knowing how strong you are, what kind of body you’re hiding under those clothes. I don’t want anybody getting any ideas.” I squeezed his bicep hard and then bent down to kiss it. “Mine.”

“They’re a matching set, you know,” he told me, flexing his other arm, and the muscles bounced all across his chest and goddamn.

I snorted and kissed the other bicep, and then bit it, hard, claiming him like a fucking vampire, and his hand went to the back of my neck again, squeezing hard. Liking it.

I went for his shoulder then, and back to his pecs, kissing and biting down his stomach until I was on my knees, tugging his pants down and shoving my face into the crook of his thigh, licking and inhaling him through his shorts, all hot and strong and damp with sweat and fuck me, I liked that smell.

“You do realize I’m not a jock,” he said, stroking my hair, and something about that sounded… apologetic, almost. “No matter what I smell like. No matter what I look like. Even if I learn to throw a football.”

I stared up at him, wishing I could wipe every bit of doubt from his mind, crush everything in there that seemed to think he wasn’t good enough or important enough, or just notenough, like he had a damn thing to apologize for, ever. But whycouldn’tI wipe it out? Why couldn’t I just show him over and over, like he always said, until he believed it?

“I don’t want a jock,” I told him, holding his gaze while I grabbed his shorts and yanked them down, taking his warm, thick cock in my hand. “I want you and your books and your sweaters and your big. Fucking. Brain.”

And then I sucked his big fucking brain right out his dick.

* * *

While he took a shower,recovering from an afternoon of football and from my mouth sucking him dry, I ate the celery and carrots from the container in the fridge with my name on it, feeling a weird little thrill of gold star accomplishment when it was gone and I put the dish in the dishwasher.

I was a good boy. A very horny, good boy that had turned himself on like crazy sucking his boyfriend’s dick and now I was so hard I hurt.

I heard the shower stop and I followed the sound of him into the bedroom, saw him wrapped in a towel, bending over to pull his clothes out of the bottom drawer, and I went over and grabbed the tuck at the side, watching the towel drop, practically drooling over the sight of him damp and naked.

He laughed, starting to stand up, but I put my hand on his back, gentle, not even pushing, but he got the message and stopped.

“If you want me to eat your ass, say green,” I told him, running my other hand up the back of his thigh, grazing his balls, and then sliding a finger up his crack, teasing his hole with a soft little rub.

The way his body reacted was so fucking satisfying, jerks and shudders and a soft moan I could feel vibrating through my hands, and god I wanted him.Neededhim.

“Green,” he said, and his voice was deep and low, and I could feel that too.

“Put your arms on the dresser,” I told him, and he straightened up a little more, moving things to the side to make room for his top half to lean there. I backed up and looked him over, his tight, perfect little ass and his long, long legs and his back with all those tiny scars winking on and off when he breathed and they caught the light. “Are you comfortable? Are you too big to bend like that?”

He nodded, dropping his head down a little lower. “I’m fine.”

I bit my lip, staring, really just enjoying the view a minute before I slid my foot up against his and nudged him a little. “Wider stance.”

He snorted, but followed directions, back to being my toy and not anybody else’s, and I watched his thigh muscles bulge as he spread his legs a little further apart, giving me a little more access.

I really couldn’t keep my hands off him a second longer, and I grabbed his cheeks and squeezed, so greedy for him I probably was leaving bruises. Goddamn, I was hungry for him, like it wasn’t evenright.

“I've been wanting to get at your ass awhile,” I told him, licking my lips as I dragged my thumbs down his crack and split him apart. His skin was still soft and damp from the shower and his hole was so pretty and shiny peeking out at me. “You fuck me too much.”

He laughed and his body jiggled a little in my hands, and that washot. “First time I've heard you complain.”

“Not complaining, just facts. You wipe me out, murder me with your dick, put me to sleep… I can't always give back.”