Page 31 of Comfort Me, Daddy

I was so close I was half afraid I wouldn’t be able to stay standing, my legs shaking so hard when he spun me around I had to lean back against the boxes, brace one hand on a shelf and the other on his shoulder, and not do much besides concentrate on staying upright and not unloading on his fucking face as he got on his knees on the concrete floor and tore my jock down.

It was a joke how ready I was, hot and swollen and shiny, and he grabbed my hips hard and devoured me, no line, no waiting, pulling me all the way in, going hardcore hungry on my cock. A little sweat did not scare the guy, that was for damn sure, seemed like it energized him, and it was a no-count before I was gasping and clawing at him, ripped to shreds thrusting and holding back at the same time, wanting my instant gratification and wanting everything to last, all of it over way too soon.

He was in zero hurry to lick me clean, keeping his face buried awhile before he dressed me back up, pulling up my jock and then my pants, zipping up while I stood there buzzing and dazed.

Best. Clean up. Ever.


The lockers were emptied out by the time I managed to drag my ass back across the field, so blissed out I was dizzy. Or at least I thought they were. But when I passed Coach T’s office, I glanced through the glass and saw Walker sitting in the doom seat.

When I rounded the corner, Ellis was still there too, stretched out on the bench in just his uniform pants, staring up at the ceiling and tossing a stress ball hand to hand— one of the game freebies that were always ending up under the bleachers and rolling the edges of the hallways and mixed in with the laundry like Maddox glitter you couldn’t get rid of. He was really the last person I wanted to run into, his oblivious-but-somehow-also-psychic nose ready to smell sex on me, but he barely looked my way.

“What’s going on in there?” I asked him, tilting my head back toward the office, opening my locker and stashing my helmet inside.

“Don’t know. Coach was yelling, then Walker was yelling, now it’s just quiet.”

“Walkerwas yelling?” I asked him, getting caught up in my mesh a second when I twisted around surprised. My arms were shaking so hard from exhaustion and the heat catching up to me I was afraid for a second I’d choke myself before I got untangled.

“What it sounded like to me,” Ellis said, pretty uninterested until I snagged the ball out of the air, and he popped up grabbing it back. I let him have it, since I’d left most of my stress in the equipment shed.

“Yelling about what?”

“Dude, I don’t know. Door was closed. They don’t talk clear enough.”

“You know why he was late today?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t wanna show his face cuz he’s got the fucking yips.”

“Jesus Christ, don’t say that,” I snapped, looking around like we were about to get attacked, seeing as how he’d just cursed us. There were certain things you didn’t say certain places, likegood luckorbreak a legorno-hitter going into the seventh, andyipswas on the list.Yipswasthe list. “He does not. He’s fine. He’ll be fine.”

“Whatever. Fine. It’s something else then. But whatever it is, it’s not anything good. Remember last year when Cory showed up late and his girlfriend was pregnant and he dropped out of school to get married?”

“Walker doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“That we know of.”

I rolled my eyes, pretty sure that was not the issue. “You think he’s getting married?”

“I think something’s got him rattled and we should punch him in the balls until he says what it is.”

“Yep. That’s a solid plan.” I stood quiet in front of my locker, listening for anything that sounded like yelling, but it was just echoey quiet.

“What are you still doing here anyway?” I asked him.

“Guess I’m about to do an extra session if they ever come out of there. Coach says we’re creating a toxic team environment or some shit. Watch me end up doing trust falls on the fifty with this motherfucker.”

“Well, you did come at him,” I pointed out. “You’re not winning any peace prizes for that. I told you to go easier on him.”

“Fuck that. I’m plenty easy. Hecame at meshowing up ten minutes late. Came at all of us. Coach gets pissed at Walker, everybody eats shit. You know he should have been clean up, not you. I mean, yeah, you looked like garbage, but he looked like hot garbage.”

I shrugged. “Whatever. It’s just clean up.”

I definitely was over being mad about that, hard to keep a grudge when your ass was hot and your balls were empty, but Ellis wasn’t feeling as forgiving.

“Not whatever. I know he’s your boy and all, but take off your blinders and see it. This shit ain’t cool. He fucks up and we catch it because Coach doesn’t wanna admit it’s a him problem? That’s bullshit. You might not have a life, but I do.”

“What life? Drinking in the park?”