You’re a human; he’s a vampire. It never would’ve worked.

I wish I could tell my brain to shut up and take a seat, but instead, I allow all the

thoughts to consume me, until it’s too much. Tears are falling down my face like water flows over a dam. Mine has broken, leaving nothing there to stop the flood. The pang in my chest is near debilitating. Crouched down, back against the wall and knees pulled up to my chest, I let it all out.

Stacey’s door creaks open.

“Marina? Are you all right?” she says, voice thick.


She bends down in front of me.

“What happened?”

“He’s going to have to marry someone else,” I say, voice brittle.

“Who?” she asks, confused.

“Julian.” I only manage his name.

“I got that part, but who is he marrying?”

My head falls back, smacking the wall behind me. I close my eyes as tears continue to stream.

“Marina. Talk to me,” Stacey insists, sounding more worried by the minute.

“A vampire. Someone like him.”

The one thing I’ve feared since the moment I admitted to myself that I cared for him was that it would never work because we come from different worlds. This just further proves there is no shot for us. It’s not just a matter of caring about him, not when the entire world is at stake. He’s made it clear that the Council wants him out, and if that happens there will be chaos.

Julian’s reign is as important for the safety of humanity as it is for the survival of vampires. If he marries Adèle, it would solidify an alliance between the two most powerful families. With her family backing him, maybe he can stop the auction. But I can’t explain all of that to Stacey. Not tonight. Not when I’m this emotional.

“Her family is the second oldest vampire family,” I continue, wanting to give her something. “Their marriage was decided long ago, but they’ve yet to follow through with it.”

“That’s good news, Marina. If they haven’t gotten married yet, there’s got to be a reason. Maybe he doesn’t love her.”

I huff, knowing with certainty that’s not the case. It was there in the way he smiled at her.

“I met her. She is exotic and culturedandgorgeous. She’s the complete opposite of me in every way.” I wipe a tear off my face. “She’s also been Julian’s best friend since they were young. Icannotcompete with that.”

“You’re not trying to compete with that. You don’t have to. I saw how he looked atyou, Marina.”

“Maybe he just wanted a plaything in the meantime. A last hurrah before he settles down.”

Stacey frowns at me. “Do you really believe that? Because I don’t,” she says roughly.

“The truth is, he could’ve had you whether you agreed to it or not. We’re prisonersandwe’re human. He could’ve forced you into anything, but he didn’t. He’s been kind to you and to me.”

I let out a long, deep breath. “What am I gonna do?”

“Well, I’d suggest you go get some sleep, because you look terrible.”

I chuckle. “I am exhausted.”

“And then tomorrow, I think you should talk to him. Be honest for once and tell him how you feel. Tell him you love him, because you might not admit it to me, but it’s written all over your face. You love him and it’s time you fight for him.”

“I don’t love him.”