My chest heaves, embarrassment filling me.

“Did I do something wrong?” I question, feeling dumb and small.

“No. You are perfect. This isn’t right. You wouldn’t want this.”

Embarrassment is quickly turning to resentment.

“I wouldn’t want this? Now you’re turning this on me?”

My entire life, I’ve never allowed anyone in. Tonight, I was willing to open myself to Julian, but he rejected me. He’s not wrong; the old me would be mortified at my behavior. No, she never would’ve acted in such a manner to begin with. He lowered my defenses and then turned me away.

I turn away, rushing toward the exit. Julian catches up, grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

“Marina, stop. You don’t understand.”

“No, Julian. You’re right. I don’t.” I rip my arm out of his grasp and continue toward the door, desperate for air.

“Please. This isn’t the place. I’m begging you to listen to me.” His pleading gives me pause. We are in a room full of vampires and he is under a microscope. As angry as I am in this moment, he’s right—this isn’t the place to air my grievances. My survival depends on his.

I nod and walk back toward him, trying to right any damage that may have been caused by my outburst. I take a quick peek around, but it appears that nobody is attuned to our issues. They’re still riding their highs.

“Come sit. We’ll talk somewhere more private,” Julian suggests, and I comply.

“There you are, darling,” Adèle’s sensual voice swoops through the air. “I’ve been looking for you.” She takes one look at my face and frowns, peering at Julian. “Is something wrong?”

“We’re fine, Adèle. Go have fun.” She purses her lips in a pout.

“I thought you might dance with me. For old times’ sake,” she flirts, and my stomach coils in something akin to jealousy.

“Right now isn’t a great time, but perhaps later.”

“Fine,” she pouts. “I’ll come to collect in due time.” Pivoting on her toe, she’s off, heading toward the bar.

“How do you know Adèle?” I ask, drawing Julian’s attention back to me.

He blows out a harsh breath as if he’s desperate to talk about anything else.Curious.

“She’s been a family friend for years. We were very close growing up. She’s always been the one person I could confide in.” His eyes avoid my gaze. “The one person I could trust.”

“How nice,” I sneer, not wanting to know any more.

“She has a fancy for the finer things in life.”

“You don’t say,” I drag out, eyeing her red-soled shoes that I know have to cost in the thousands. “Does she have a boyfriend?” I ask, hoping she’s spoken for.

“No. Her love is travel. Always has been.” I detect a hint of derision.

“She pops in and out of the States a few times a year, but mostly she’s in Europe. I’m waiting for the day that she decides to plant her roots there for good, much to her family’s disapproval.”

“Why wouldn’t her family like that?”

“She’s the heir to their kingdom. They’re one of the royal families. Her parents were the second family in our race. Adèle is a Born.”

I look at the beauty again. She’s currently grinding into some tall dark-haired stranger. Her movements are fluid and graceful; she looks like a professional dancer. Her long black hair drops down her back in thick waves. A tight black mini dress hugs every inch of her body perfectly. Every man in the room has their eyes on her.

Except Julian. His are on me.

“I didn’t pull away from you because I didn’t want you, Marina. Quite the opposite. You have to know that.” Julian says assertively but affectionately. “I’d never take advantage of you, and while you have Sacristan in your system, you aren’t in full control. I never want you to regret your decisions.”