“We should dance,” Adèle suggests, already making her way toward a large room where swarms of people grind their bodies together seductively. Turning to look over her shoulder, she gives Julian bedroom eyes, running her pink tongue slowly, provocatively across her lips. Julian’s back straightens, eyes coming to meet mine. My eyes are narrowed, mouth dropped open in shock at her blatant perusal of him.

There is no doubt in my mind that these two have been together. Multiple times, if I had to guess.

“Go,” I motion toward her. “I’ll be here, trying to stay alive.” My words are dramatic; no vampire has so much as looked my way since we entered this place. All of them are currently involved in some state of sexual bliss.

“Marina, I wouldn’t leave you. I wantyouto dance with me.”

Butterflies tickle my stomach at his words. He wants to dance with me.

“But, your friend.” I motion toward a confused Adèle.

“She’ll be fine. She always manages to find someone willing to dance with her,” he grins.

“As for you, there will be no other dance partners.” He winks and I all but fall to the floor. “But first, a drink?”

I nod, needing something to wet my parched lips.

A waiter hands me two glasses of something that’s frothing.

“What is this?” I scrunch my nose at the green foam.

“Trust me, you don’t want to drink that.”

“What is it?” I question.

“It’s called Sacristan.” He takes it out of my hand. “It’s a liquor of sorts.”

“Drugs?” I raise my eyebrows.

“It’s not illegal, not that we abide by such standards, but it will heighten your current feelings.”

“How so?”

“If you’re happy, it will make you joyous. If you’re sad, it will make you inconsolable. If you’re angry, it will make you murderous,” he smirks.

“That seems a bit dangerous to give to a room full of vampires,” I raise my brow.

“Here, vampires are nothing more than gluttonous and lustful. It’s only dangerous for you if you show them any interest.” His cheek rises in a smirk. “Like I said, not for you.”

I take a look around the room, feeling more out of place than I ever have. Not because I’m surrounded my vampires, but that I’m practically in the middle of an orgy.

Vzar comes barreling up next to us.

“Incoming. You’d better start looking like you’re enjoying the place, or shit’s going to get real very fast,” he says, eyes wide and pointing toward the back.

Julian’s eyes are mere slits. Who could be headed this way? Whoever or whatever it is, isn’t good.

Vzar grabs a glass out of Julian’s hand and stuffs it into mine.

“Bottoms up, Marina,” he says, lifting the cup to my lips. Without thinking, I open my mouth and ingest a bit of the liquid.

“Marina,” Julian says with wide eyes. “What have you done?”

Chapter Twenty-Five

It’s too late to go back now, so I tip the glass of fizzing liquid back and shudder as the rest of it slides down my throat, cold at first but gradually warming the farther it travels. When it hits my stomach, my entire body is heated. Momentary light-headedness overcomes me, followed by a feeling of exhilaration.

“Julian, what’s happening?” As much as I should be freaking out, I’m not. I’m too free to care.