“She probably thinks I’m dead, Julian. After everything she’s been through, I’m not sure she will survive another loss.”

“What if you could call her? Tell her you’re all right, but you had to get away. Then she’d know you were safe. Could that be enough... for now?”

I consider his offer. If I called her and told her I was all right, I think she’d be okay—since she’s now sober. Could it be the thing that sets them back in their recovery? Could it really put them in danger? I can’t do that. “I think you’re right. I need to keep them out of this.”

He nods.

Done talking about me, I turn the tables on Julian.

“The other night, what happened that you had to run off?”

Julian looks puzzled before recognition forms on his face.

“A new bite got loose. It was the first time that’s happened.”

A cool wisp of dread fills me at the thought of a bloodthirsty vampire being loose in the very place I was.

“He never made it out of the basement. Bash stopped his attempt and Charlie, another guard, held him down until I was there to sedate him.”

“How did you do that?” I question, not understanding what he could’ve done that Bash or this Charlie guy couldn’t have done themselves.

“I gave him some of my blood. It has a calming effect, almost like a sedative, for other vampires. Only Borns possess those blood properties.”

“He drank from you?” I ask, trying hard to keep all signs of repulsion from my features.

“From my wrist. You can’t even tell if you look today,” he says, lifting the sleeve of his shirt to show a perfectly unblemished wrist. “Borns have healing properties that are superhuman.”

“The other vampires don’t have those things?”

He shakes his head. “Not exactly. They have swift healing, strength, and speed, but nothing compared to what I possess.”

His chest is puffed out in pride, and I have to smother the smirk on my face. I don’t want him to think I’m poking fun. I’m not. It’s just that seeing him this youthful and carefree is liberating. I don’t feel like I’m with my captor, but a guy that I like. One that I want to know more about.

Our dinner comes, and we eat while discussing mundane topics. The weather in Louisiana versus Ohio, his lack of interest in politics and religion, and more importantly, the fact that he doesn’t seem to have any hobbies outside of table tennis and billiards.

“No Netflix?” I cringe, not knowing how I’ll survive another few weeks, let alone months, without it. It was my source of comfort when my parents had shut me out. While they spent days locked in their own prisons, high and drunk, I binged on Netflix.

“I’m afraid not.” His head pops up, as if he has a brilliant idea. “I’ll purchase it tomorrow. Would you like that?”

My head bobs in excitement.

“I can go shopping tomorrow and buy a larger television. You can introduce me to your favorite shows?”

“Could Stacey and I join you?” I say, lowering my head, not wanting to see the answer before hearing it. “I feel bad that Stacey missed out on tonight, and she loves to shop. It would really brighten her mood.”

“It’s done. Tomorrow we’ll drive into town and buy a new television and take Stacey shopping.”

I squeal, before looking around in embarrassment at the eyes watching me. “Sorry,” I mouth to the nearest table occupants. I receive some raised brows and a few smiles in return.

We finish up eating, Julian pays, and we’re walking out the door into the cool night air of New Orleans. Swarms of people line the streets. Laughter and raised voices bring a smile to my lips. This feels normal. Without thinking twice, I grab Julian’s hand in mine. He looks to me, smiling. Giving my hand a gentle squeeze, he moves us through the crowd. We walk aimlessly, Julian pointing out famous landmarks and restaurants. We stop and grab beignets for Stacey at Café du Monde and continue around the square.

Everything about tonight is wonderful, until a voice has Julian going stiff.

“Julian, wait up,” a man’s voice calls from behind us.

“Remain quiet. Look forward at all times unless I speak to you,” Julian commands, sounding worried about whoever is approaching.

“Vzar,” Julian says coldly.