I sit on the bed, cross my arms over my chest, and sulk. I should’ve known there would be stipulations. But I never thought he would actually try to collar me.

“Are you seriously going to refuse to ge out of this place just because you have to wear that?” Stacey asks, looking annoyed by my actions.

“Stacey, this is what all of those servants at the auction were wearing. It’s what they use to control people. I already promised I wouldn’t run. If he doesn’t trust me, then maybe he shouldn’t take me.”

Stacey shrugs her shoulders. “Suit yourself. I’ll go in your place,” she says.

“You stubborn girl,” Katina chastises, walking out the door and slamming it shut behind her.

“I’m sorry, Stacey, but I just can’t do it. I have done my part and stayed inside these walls. I have forgiven Julian for his part in all of this, but this is asking too much. Expecting me to be okay with this is too much. It’s a reminder of all the other girls who are being tortured right now or are already dead. I won’t wear it.”

Ten minutes later, there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I call out.

Julian peeks his head around the corner. “May I come in?”

I motion for him to enter. He comes to my bedside, sitting next to me. He doesn’t say anything for a second. “Marina, I never asked Katina to bring the collar to you. I had planned on talking to you about it myself.”

“Why? You had to know I’d refuse.”

He sighs.

“The chance you’d put up a fight was high, but you have to know that it’s very dangerous for me to take you into New Orleans without one.”

I huff.

“It has nothing to do with me trying to control you, and everything to do with the way it looks to anyone we encounter. If the Council sees you without it, it’s bad news for us both.”

“Last I checked, slaves are illegal,” I bite.

Julian sighs heavily. “New Orleans is riddled with vampires and people who work for the Council. Council members themselves frequent the place. They would smell your blood from a mile away, and the first question they would have is why I would walk around without having you in a collar.”

I narrow my eyes at Julian.What isn’t he saying?

As if reading my mind, he continues, “It would look as though I’m weak. That I’ve ignored my better judgment because of a human girl. We’ve been over this.”

“Am I to believe that no vampire has ever enjoyed the company of a human without a collar? Couldn’t I just be having dinner with you under the assumption that you are a man and not a vampire?”

“It’s not that simple. As I said before, you’re marked. Being marked gives you different qualities. Things you can’t see, but vampires can. A vampire would know you came from the auction, and the fact that I’m allowing you to roam free wouldn’t bode well for me if it got out.”

“So, we’re at an impasse.”

“Can we compromise? Could we remove the batteries, and have you wear it? That way, from afar, it would look like I’m following policy? If someone gets close enough and notices, I’ll deal with the consequences if they arise.”

I don’t like it. The idea doesn’t seem like a compromise to me at all. He’s still expecting me to wear a symbol of everything I hate in this world. However, I also can acknowledge I’m being selfish and difficult. I’m trying to give, but it’s difficult. There are some things I’ll never be able to agree to without a fight.

“I want you to join me, Marina. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

“You have?” His words warm my insides and help to drop the wall I’ve erected in the past few minutes. I might not love his compromise, but at least he’s trying. If he can give a little, so can I.

“I’m sorry. Old habits,” I say sheepishly. “I’ll wear it. With batteries. You’ve explained the reasons and it’s unfair of me to chance any of this.”

“Thank you, Marina,” he says, sounding relieved. “I brought you something,” he smiles. “May I?” he says, gesturing to my hand.

I nod.

From his pocket he pulls a diamond tennis bracelet.