I snort, then quickly try to smother it with my arm. I’ve only known her for a short time, but one thing is for sure—she doesn’t hold back, no matter the company she keeps.

“I apologize. I’ve been distracted.”

“The party?” I offer.

“Indeed. It shall be a fantastic night.” Lawrence beams. “I’ve invited twenty of the New Orleans elite to dine and dance with us at my home. Opulence is the theme.”

Stacey and I smile because Lawrence’s excitement is infectious.

“What can we do to help?” Stacey asks, eager to help party plan.

I’m also interested in what lengths a vampire goes to in order to host a dinner party with humans.

“Mostly, I’d love some suggestions on the menu. Everything else is done. I was hoping to have a few hours to get to know you better.”

“Bacon-wrapped shrimp, chicken skewers, egg rolls, mini quiche, crab cakes, and a massive dessert table.” Stacey rattles off, obviously having food on the brain.

“What kind of desserts?” Lawrence prods with a hint of a smile.

“All the desserts.” Stacey says matter-of-factly.

I laugh. “Lawrence, you’ll have to excuse us. We’ve been deprived of sweets of late.”

“Please, call me Law. As for the deprivation of baked treats, I will fix that.”

Stacey and I both smile.

The lull in the conversation gives way for my thoughts to wander to Julian and where he might be.

“Will Julian be back soon?” I ask, knowing that Katina said it would be a week, but hoping it’ll lead to some information.

“I’m afraid not until the end of the week. He has quite the drive ahead of him.”

“Drive?” I press.

“He’s in Seattle, dealing with some pressing issues.” Law provides an answer, but he doesn’t elaborate. I should leave it be. A smart girl would enjoy the freedoms she’s been given, the food she’s allowed to eat, and the life that has yet to be snuffed, but not me, not now. I go for it.

“What is he doing in Seattle?”

Law puts his fork down, grabs his napkin from his lap, and gingerly wipes his mouth.

“There are some things I’m not at liberty to discuss.”

My eyes remain on his, not backing down.

He huffs in exasperation but acquiesces.

“He’s helping new bites transition. In cities, vampires are often created and left to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting urban area. Julian has made it his mission to step in when an issue arises and the death toll begins to mount. Many times, a city will think they have a serial killer on their hands. They aren’t wrong—it’s just not a human.”

My stomach flips at the thought of Julian stepping in to essentially tame a wild vampire. He’s saving lives and the thought has my heart softening where he’s concerned. If he wasn’t there, more innocent bystanders would die. Admiration for a vampire is not something I ever thought I’d possess—yet I do.

“He’s quite remarkable, my brother,” Law remarks with a proud smile. “I only wish I could be there to help him. Alas, I’m on guard duty.”

Which brings me to my next topic of discussion.

“What exactly are you guarding, Law?”

He grins. “That, Marina, will have to remain my secret.” He winks at me.