“Hell no, you won’t. I win fair and square, and I lose the same way.”

My shoulders lift in awhatever you saymotion and I turn to catch Julian’s eyes on me. He’s looking at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. I shrink under his intense gaze. Not out of fear, but inferiority. He’s truly a work of art. His chiseled features twist my insides up in knots. The good kind. The kind that have the power to break you when they disappear.

The tension is broken when Julian’s lackey, Bash, comes flying through the door.

“Sir, we have an issue.”

Julian stands, walking quickly to the door to speak with Bash in private. Stacey and I exchange glances of concern. After a minute, Julian comes back to the table.

“Ladies, Bash will escort you to your rooms. You’ll lock yourselves in and not leave until either Katina or I come to get you. Do you understand?”

“What’s happening?” I ask, and Julian raises a hand.

“For once, please just do as I ask, Marina.”

His expression is grim, and I know better than to push at this point.

Nodding, I link arms with Stacey and we follow a quiet Bash.

“What do you think’s going on?” Stacey whispers.

“No clue, but Julian looked angry. Whatever it is, it can’t be good.”

We reach Stacey’s room first, she gives me a big hug, “Good night. Listen to Julian, Marina. Don’t leave your room.”

I squeeze her back. “I promise.”

She enters her room and closes the door, and a deadbolt sounds from inside the room.

“What am I supposed to do?” I ask Bash. “My room only locks from the outside.”

“Julian has ordered me to stand outside your room. You’ll be fine.”

Bash seems nonplussed despite his earlier manner, so I don’t worry.

After quickly undressing, I put on my nightgown, brush my teeth, and crawl into my warm, cozy bed. I reflect on the game and realize that Julian was right. I haven’t been missing anything. If that’s what college life consists of, it was never meant for me.

For the first time in a long time, the pang of hurt caused from missing out and friendships changing is gone. I feel lighter, freer, and I have Julian to thank for that.

Exhaustion overwhelms me, and I swiftly fall asleep. Dreams of kissing golden-haired, brooding vampires keep me entertained all through the night.

Chapter Nineteen

I’m informed bright and early by Katina that Julian will be gone for the next week. Why he didn’t mention this last night is beyond me. He has a habit of disappearing. It makes me wonder what he’s up to. I don’t have long to think on this, because Katina’s second tidbit of information grabs my attention.

“Lawrence Bellamy will be coming to stay at the estate in Julian’s absence.”

“Why?” I ask, not understanding the need for a babysitter. Does Julian think we’re going to try to escape?

“There are valuable things on this estate and he doesn’t want to take the chance of anyone trying to come and claim them. When the Crown is traveling, the estate is most vulnerable. Lawrence is well trained in military tactics. He served in the Continental Army in 1775 under George Washington.”

I’ll never get used to hearing that these men are hundreds of years old. Mostly, I question the need for a soldier to protect the place. What is so valuable on this estate?

“Right. Well, Stacey and I will have lunch in my room.”

“No, that won’t do. Lawrence has decided to have a little soirée at his estate once Julian returns, and has requested your help in preparing,” Katina says, sounding exasperated.

“Stacey and me?”