It coats the air like a film. How did I miss it?

Something sinister is going on here. This isn’t a simple case of addiction but something far worse. Someone has done this to them. Someone has made sure to keep them like this. But why?

With the state that they’re in, I don’t have time to waste. I’ll get to the bottom of this, but right now, I have to save them. For her.

“Bash, we have another one in here,” I call out before dialing the nearest hospital. I give them the heads-up that two critically ill patients are headed their way, so they can be prepared.

The magic I sense is a simple circle spell. I spent a long time working with black witches to know what they’re capable of and to recognize such work. A circle spell holds its victims in a type of loop, a perpetual state of only half living. They likely wake, eat just enough to keep them alive, and abuse their drug of choice enough to keep them in a catatonic state.

The question is why. Who are these people and what have they done to catch the attention of a black witch?

Chapter Fifteen

Days have passed since my walk with Julian in the gardens. I’ve spent my time staring out the windows at the well-groomed grounds, wishing to be anywhere but in this room. The boredom gives way to thoughts I’d best not have.Has anyone begun looking for me? Does anyone even care?The possibility that I’ve been forgotten weighs heavily on me.

Katina tells me that Julian has been away, but where he’s gone, she won’t say. I’ve wondered what he does for blood. He claims to be against the auction, but I haven’t asked what method he uses. I envision something akin to the movie with the teenage vampires. Perhaps Julian is out running after deer and other wild animals. I file the thought away for another day.

“Hello hello, glorious morning,” Katina singsongs as she walks through the door. “Why on earth are you still in bed?”

“For one, it’s not glorious.” The sun is masked by clouds for the second day in a row. “And beyond that, I’m bored.”

“Tsk tsk, little human. You need to find something to do. You can’t sleep all day. You’ll get bedsores.” She scrunches her nose.


Katina has come and gone, keeping me company when she can. I’ve come to learn that her responsibilities in this house are extensive. She practically runs the vampire monarchy.

“What do you have to do today?”

“I’ll be busy with staff training today. We’ve gotten a new shipment of new bites, and they always take longer.”

My eyes widen, hands coming up to my neck instinctually. Julian’s comment from the other day—about the basement dungeons being dangerous and off limits—rings loud and clear.

“They won’t be anywhere near you, little human. Calm down.” She shakes her head as though I’m ridiculous.

“What? I value my life.”

“You’re dramatic.”

I decide to try once more to find out where Julian is. “Is Julian back?” I ask, picking at my fingers.

“He is. He just returned early this morning.”

“Are you going to tell me where he was?”

She purses her lips, which I’ve come to learn is a habit of hers. “Why do you care so much about someone you supposedly hate?” she asks, eyebrow rising in inquisition.

“I don’t hate him, Katina. But I don’t trust him.” I blow out a breath. “I asked him to save a girl from the auction. I’m curious if he’s even attempted.”

She nods her head, not to say he has, but in acknowledgment. “He’s had more pressing matters on his hands.”

“The Council? Has there been another auction?” I ask, dreading her answer.

She sighs animatedly. “No and no. Things have been quiet in those respects,” she stops what she’s doing and comes to me, placing her hand on top of my shoulder and pushing me to sit. “Listen, it’s not my place to tell you anything. His Crownness,” I pull a face at her use of a nonsense word, but she continues. “would not be happy with my interference. However, I’m growing tired of your resolve to believe he’s evil. He’s not, Marina.”

“I didn’t say I think he’s evil,” I say, avoiding eye contact with Katina.

“Liar,” she quips. “If you must know, he went for your parents.”