He stands, and I jump to my feet, eager to see more. “Let’s walk.”

We take two steps and my shoe gets caught in the dirt. I pitch forward, losing my balance, but Julian is there to catch me. He grabs my hand and pulls me forward, helping me to steady myself. I attempt to jerk out of his grasp, but he only holds on tighter, interlacing his fingers with mine. I should stop this. I should demand he let me go, but something otherworldly holds me in place.

The feeling of my fingers interlaced with his is not unlike that first freefall on my favorite rollercoaster. My heart races, doing a steady gallop in my chest. My face flushes and every nerve in my body feels electrified. If his hand is cold to the touch, I don’t notice it. I’m warm all over.What the hell is going on?

I don’t want to analyze my reaction too closely. I’m afraid what I might find. Then again, maybe I’m experiencing Stockholm syndrome.It’s the only thing that makes sense.Or perhaps itissomething supernatural. At the auction, upon his arrival, the air shifted, and the creatures were affected by it.Yes. This is some magic he’s weaving.

We stroll the grounds in silence for several minutes. It’s tranquil here. I wouldn’t have ever dreamed that I’d find peace in this prison, yet out here, the shackles from inside are gone and I feel a false sense of freedom.

“What state are we in?” I ask, finally breaking the silence. I’m curious how far away from home I am.

“Just west of New Orleans in Louisiana.”

My stomach drops. “Far from Ohio, then.” I kick at the dirt in frustration.

He stops and turns me to look at him.

“I really am sorry, Marina. If I had any choice...” His words trail off.

My eyes meet his. “I believe you.”

I don’t know why, but I do. He’s shown me nothing but kindness since I arrived here. I could’ve had it so much worse. The couple from the auction could be torturing me as we speak. Or worse, I could already be dead, as I fear some from the auction already are.

His head lolls back and a sigh escapes his lips.

“I’m relieved. There are so many reasons why you shouldn’t, but I promise you I’m not a bad guy. You’re mine to care for.” His voice is soft, soothing even. His eyes shine bright with the promise of protection. I know in my heart he believes what he says, and that confounds me more than anything.

I tear my gaze away from his, needing distance from his penetrating stare. I could get lost in his eyes, and it’s not healthy for me. Living in denial is something I refuse to do. He might be offering protection, but no matter what, I can’t start looking at him as a good guy.

My eyes are drawn to a beautiful bush full of small red buds. The color instantly reminds me of Stacey and her gorgeous hair.

“What about Stacey?”

“Stacey?” he says, sounding confused.

“The redhead that was with me at the auction. She went to your brother,” I spit.

He groans.

“Unfortunately, my views on how vampires should live is in the minority. My brother doesn’t share my opinion, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. I can only guess what’s happened to her.”

I turn to Julian, looking him straight in the eyes. “Please. Help her.”

His shoulders rise as he inhales.

“I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything. My brother is not merciful, Marina. She’s likely dead.”

A sob escapes my throat at the thought of what could be happening to Stacey right now, or worse, what has already happened. If she’s still alive it will be a miracle. I’ve seen her captor, and Julian isn’t fabricating. Marcellus is the devil.

“Just try, Julian, please. It’ll mean everything to me. I don’t know her well—we’re practically strangers—but in that hellhole we bonded. How could we not?”

“I get that. Only someone who’s endured what you have can truly understand.”

“Please. Just try,” I whisper.

He leans in, wiping a lone tear from my cheek.

“For you.”