“So, who’s the right person, Julian? Huh? Tell me. If not you, who?”

“My father, and he’s dead. The Council, but you’d never survive that encounter. The truth is, I amsavingyou. Half of those girls you were with are probably already dead.” I inhale sharply at that, but he continues on. “I’m no damn saint, but I bid because I wanted to save you.”


His eyes hold mine for several painstaking moments. I search his face for something to explain this man in front of me, but even if I had a lifetime to uncover all that is Julian Bellamy, something tells me I’d still be left with too many questions.

When he doesn’t answer, I turn away, breaking the spell.

Chapter Thirteen

“Let’s get out of the sun for a little while,” I say, gesturing toward the shaded porch. I need a minute of quiet to think and some shade to stop the perspiration running down my cheeks.

He nods his approval. “Good idea.”

The rest of the way, I ponder what he said. He said he’d just come into his rule. When did his father die? And how? I vaguely remember him accusing Marcellus of having something to do with it. Was he murdered?So many questions.

Lost in thought, I hardly register anything else until we approach the front stoop. I relax, seeing two giant rocking chairs sitting off to the side, just as I had envisioned it from a distance. It’s unreal how normal this place feels. Surely, I couldn’t have been so far off with my vision of how vampires lived. Where are the dark dungeons and coffins?

“Sit, enjoy the nice weather. I’m going to change and grab us some refreshments.”

I nod my consent, not missing the fact that he’s trusting me not to run. In truth, I don’t know enough about where I am to even attempt it yet. There’s still so much to learn and preparations that need to happen. For now, I’ll bide my time and take in every bit of information I can.

Taking a seat on one of the rocking chairs, I close my eyes and enjoy the light breeze that flows through the covered porch. Sounds of birds chirping and branches rustling soothe my nerves and help me to forget for one minute all the bad in my life. It’s peaceful here. It’s the most normal I’ve felt in a very long time. If I could just keep my eyes closed, I could almost imagine I’m living a different life. One where Maggie is still alive and we’re happy.A fantasy.

I blow out a harsh breath, opening my eyes and looking around. I continue to ruminate on how off this scene feels. If you’d told me a month ago, I would be living with a vampire, this beautiful place is not what I’d have imagined. Nobody would. It’s completely opposite. It’s light and beauty. It’s full of life. Despite the darkness within.

This is exactly what I’d choose for myself if money were no hindrance. The very care that has to go into maintaining the flowers and shrubs must cost a fortune. The paint on this house is pristine, as if it just got a fresh coat recently. Nothing is out of place. It would take a full staff to keep this up. Does he have humans to do that? Or is his entire staff vampires?

Several minutes later, the screen door shuts and there stands Julian, wearing a pair of navy shorts with a white polo shirt. He looks young and normal. Too normal. I could easily forget the danger that is Julian Bellamy, and that’s something I can’t afford to do again. In his hand is a tray with two tall water goblets filled to the brim with lemonade.Mind reader.A tray full of fruit is situated in the center of the tray.

“You did all that in the time I was out here?”

He smirks. “Uh, no. I have a housekeeper who stocks fresh fruits and vegetables out here.”

He sets the tray down and takes a seat. “Before your arrival, I only stayed in this house. I prefer it. My father’s place feels like a prison.”

“You don’t say,” sarcasm oozes from me. “Try actually being locked up.”

He grimaces.

“I don’t want to lock you in, Marina. But I’m not sure I can trust you not to run.”

“Can’t you let me go? If you don’t want to drain my blood, why keep me here?”

He looks out toward his father’s estate.

“I can’t. You’ve been marked,” he says the words as if I know what the hell they mean.

“Marked?” I press, because it didn’t seem like he planned to elaborate. Apparently, I’d be pulling information from him.

“Once you’re taken by the Council, you can never go home. Think of it as a tracking device of sorts. If you tried to leave, they’d track you down and kill you and anyone you got close to. There’s no leaving this world unless you’re dead.”

“Wouldn’t you have to give them reason to track me? If you didn’t tell them, how would they know I was gone?”

He huffed out a harsh breath. “The spell they placed on you not only monitors your whereabouts, but it dies when you do.”

“Spell?” I ask, grabbing my neck reflexively.