“Please,” I try my hand at begging. After last night, I don’t want to be alone with him. Call me crazy, but I feel less vulnerable with Katina around.

“No. The Crown wishes to speak with you alone.”

My semi-good mood about getting outside evaporates. Having to deal with him tailing me is one thing, but forced conversation is entirely another.

“Do I have to?” I ask, strolling back into the room.

Katina turns toward me, rolling her eyes. “Would you really let your pride get in the way of a day in the sun?”

“It’s not pride. It’s survival.”

As much as I need sunlight, I value my safety, and so far, this room has provided that. I’m still breathing, and if I need to stay in the dark for that to continue, I’ll gladly skip the sun.

“Please,” she huffs. “He doesn’t wish to feast on your flesh today. He merely wants to apologize to you by allowing you some freedoms. Now hurry. I’m to have you downstairs in two minutes.”

“Gee, you do wonders at making a girl feel better,” I deadpan, but she doesn’t reply. She’s already on to her next task.

When we descend the stairs and round the corner, Julian is standing by the back door, looking tall and kingly.

“All set?” he asks, and I can’t help but grimace.

“So we’re going to play it that way? Pretend like last night never happened?” I should be petrified by him, but all I feel is rising anger.

“I’ve told you, I won’t harm you.”

“Too late for that,” I hiss, and he has the decency to look contrite.

“It’ll never happen again, Marina. You have my word.”

“Your word means shit to me,” I say through gritted teeth.

He stands up taller, holding out his hand. “Give me one more chance to prove it.”

I scoff at his outstretched hand. “You hit me, Julian. Another chance is the last thing you deserve.”

He lowers his arm to his side. “If you want to talk about last night, we will. All I ask is that you trust me enough to come outside. Having this conversation in the hallway for my staff to overhear isn’t in either of our best interests.”

I appraise him, looking for signs of deceit. “How do I know that I can trust you? I don’t know anything about you, other than you’re broody, you kidnapped me, and oh, yeah... you hit me.”

His face falls.

“I didn’t kidnap you, Marina. The Council’s men did. As for my moods, I’m under a lot of pressure these days. It’s no excuse, but I am. Ruling all vampires isn’t a small feat, and it just came to be my responsibility recently. It wasn’t something I thought I’d have to do for a very long time.” Julian looks lost in thought.Is he thinking about his father’s death? Was he close with him?I don’t ask.You shouldn’t care.

I nod my head toward the door, signaling I’ll go with him. He walks through the door and I follow him out into the warm sunlight, sighing as it envelops me. I haven’t been in the sun in God knows how long. I’ve missed it. For a brief moment, I forget whom I have as company and just bask in the wonderful feeling a little fresh air and vitamin D can provide a person. As much as I’d love to forget about the events of last night, I won’t let it go. I can’t.

“The slap?”

Julian sighs. “The temper and overindulgence in whisky is not something I asked for. It’s a family trait. One I’m not proud of, Marina.”

“That’s the worst damn excuse I’ve ever heard.”

He stops, turning toward me. “You want the truth?”

“I deserve it,” I snap back.

“I was desperate. You were hysterical and trying to leave. I didn’t know what to do.” He grabs my shoulders, looking into my eyes. “I never intended to hurt you. Ever. You have to believe me.”

The intensity in his words has my breath catching. Not for the first time today, I try to find a hint that he’s playing me. All I see is regret and self-loathing. It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t know me. I’m a simple human. Why does he seem to care about how he treats me? I don’t know what to do with this Julian.