They both break out into laughter at my expense and I’m pissed.To hell with playing at nice.

“Vampiress? Katina will love that,” Law barks.

“Let’s not give her any more reasons to prance around here like a queen,” Julian says, swiping at his eye.

“I’m glad you two find this so funny,” I say, placing my hand on my hip. “Did you know she came onto me? Did you? Well, she did. She said we could have so much fun together.” I crinkle my nose in distaste. “What the hell does that even mean?” I screech, losing every ounce of cool I’ve tried to harness. I’m losing my grip and it’s all because I’m so out of my damn element with these two... creatures.

Jude and Law glance at each other before bursting out in hysterics.

“Ugh. You two are acting like children,” I yell. “Why the hell am I even here?”

“I’m sorry,” Law says, trying and failing to pull himself together. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a moment to actually enjoy ourselves. You’re funny.” He waggles a finger at me and I shut my eyes and count to ten, trying to calm down. I’m equal parts annoyed and angry.

“So, I’m here for your amusement?” I say offhandedly. “I thought I was here to be your personal blood bank.”

They both stop laughing immediately. Julian’s eyes narrow on mine and I internally smack myself.Why did you have to go there?

Law clears his throat. “You’re not here for that, Marina. We simply want you to dine with us.”

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to pass.” My tone leaves no room for argument.

Stubborn woman. Just play nice.

“You’ll... have to pass?” Julian repeats, sounding confused.

“I’d rather eat alone or not at all.”

I’ve gone this far, might as well thoroughly piss off the king... or Crown... whatever the hell he is.Vampire.

Julian sits down once more and leans back into his throne, smirking. “Then I’ll have to change your mind, I suppose.”

My arms cross over my chest in indignation. There is nothing he can say or do to make me change my mind. The idea of playing the game has come and gone. Now I’m back to hostile.

“Well?” he presses.

I clear my throat. “Well what?”

His eyes shine a brilliant shade of blue-green. “I asked you earlier if you like your accommodations. I put you in the best room in the house. I hoped you’d sleep like the dead.”

I pale at his words.

“My preference is to stay amongst the living, if you don’t mind.”

My body is shaking at the mention of death. Is that his prelude to draining my blood? Is he about to kill me despite Law’s insistence otherwise?

He barks a laugh.

“Will all of our conversations be like this? Will you always think I mean you harm?”

“Yes,” I deadpan, feeling the need to be truthful.

“I assure you, I didn’t bring you here to hurt you, Marina.”

My name on his lips brings goose bumps to my arms. The way it glides off his tongue like a whispered prayer makes me shiver. For the first time ever, the word sounds beautiful, sensual even. I detest my reaction. I’m allowing his charm to get under my skin. He’s my captor. He’s taken me from my life. Even if it was a half-assed one to begin with. I can’t allow him to warp my brain.

“Do you have magical powers?” The words sound stupid the moment they leave my lips.

Lawrence snickers. “He’s full of all sorts of charms. Of that I can assure you, Marina.”