Ratilda looks to Julian, who simply nods in agreement.

“A-all right. That concludes today’s auction. We’ll convene back here in one month for more options. Thank you,” she says before walking off the stage.

My head snaps to Stacey’s. Her eyes are wide, and fear like I’ve never seen before shows. I turn toward her just in time to catch her as she collapses into my open arms. Her body shakes violently as I lower her and myself to the ground. I’m hoping the floor will open up and swallow us whole. Anything to keep us as far from those men as possible.

“Don’t let him take me,” she whimpers, and I hold on tighter.

“I don’t know what I can do, Stacey. They’re vampires. They have powers we don’t.”

She cries out, smashing her head into my shoulder as if trying to burrow inside me.

“I’m going to die.We’regoing to die,” she shrieks.

I don’t doubt her words. We’ve been auctioned off as blood donors.Unwillingdonors. They take what they want and come back for more. Her fear is warranted, and I wonder why I’m not as frightened. It’s not that I’mnotscared, I’m just numb.

I don’t want to let her go. We don’t know each other, but being in this situation has somehow made me desperate to stay with her. To hold on to anything and anyone who came into my life before this moment. Being victims has imprinted her on my soul. We’re kindred and that’s not something I want to lose, because when I do, life as I know it is over.

It was over the moment you were taken.

My wish is not fulfilled. Firm hands grab me from behind, pulling me away from a screaming Stacey. I’m pulled roughly to my feet and moved toward a step down off the platform.

“Stacey,” I yell out, desperate to get back to her, but a hard smack to the face has me sobering and pulled back to my captor.

“Shut up, girl,” Sarcos barks, and I cower at his lethal tone.

“If I were you, I’d never touch her like that again,” Julian says even more lethally.

“Sir Crown, I’m sorry,” he mutters, clearly afraid of the man in front of him. “What would you like me to do with your purchase?” Sarcos asks, head lowered.

“Prepare her for travel.”

“Yes, sir,” he says, bowing low.

“And Sarcos,” Julian says, drawing the evil creature’s gaze toward him. “You touch her or any donor like that again, I’ll kill you myself,” he warns.

“Y-yes, sir,” he says, bowing twice more before placing his hand on my back lightly and ushering me back toward the hallway by which we’d entered the auction.

My eyes land on Julian’s and his soften. I glare in response. I don’t want his false sense of security. He’s as bad as Sarcos and every other vampire in this place. I’ll fight him to the death.

“Same with mine,” Marcellus orders, drawing my attention away from Julian’s.

Marcellus sneers in my direction before he pivots, stalking toward his brother.

I look to Stacey, who stares absently as she’s placed next to me by Ramsey.

“Move,” we are commanded.

We descend the stairs we climbed earlier for the auction. Sarcos appears to be leading us back to the room where we were dressed. At the last minute, he steers in the opposite direction. Stopping in front of a small door, he pulls out a key and unlocks it. When the door is open, he tosses us in, slamming and locking it shut behind us. Placing my ear to the door, I listen as heavy footsteps retreat. When I can no longer hear them, I push off the door, searching the room.

“Help me look for an escape.” I say to Stacey, running my hands along the wall.


“Snap out of it, Stacey.” I bark. “We have one shot to get the hell out of here. Help me.”

I continue searching the room for any means of escape. There’s not so much as a vent to be seen. We’ve been put in a room that is nothing more than a boxed-in cell.

“We’re going to die,” Stacey cries, losing her once stoic persona.