I lift my head slowly, watching as the crowd parts, giving way to a young man who looks to be not much older than myself. He’s blond and sporting a cheery disposition. Everything about him appears normal.Don’t let his smile fool you; he’s still the devil.

He waves to me as if we’re old friends, and peering at him, I wonder. My eyes narrow, searching his face, which seems so incredibly familiar. Have we met before? There is something about him—something I can’t place. He grins as if he knows my thoughts. My lips slam together in a harsh line, stopping the smile that almost slipped. He’s charming, that’s for sure.

The devil is too.

I’m still pondering his level of evil and who he could possibly be when he steps aside, exposing his companion. Much to my horror, his face matches his suave voice. He’s not repulsive. No, not in the slightest. Everything around him seems to fade a bit, as if he steals the color from every part of the room. I don’t hear a sound apart from my beating heart and shallow breaths. His head lifts, and bluish-green eyes pierce through me, freezing me to my spot. My breath hitches as I take him in.

He’s tall and every bit royal. The black tuxedo that is tailored perfectly to his body looks expensive. Not that I have anything to compare it to, but it’s magnificent and exquisitely pressed. His dark blond hair is swept elegantly back, allowing for no obstructions to his penetrating eyes.

My gaze pushes downward, landing on his strong jaw lined with scruff. He’s sophisticated, with an edge of roughness, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The most beautiful man to ever be in my presence stands before me, frightening me to my very core. He may be beautiful, but he’s one of them.

His stare is fierce and unyielding, causing my legs to wobble once more. I dig in my heels and will myself to stop shaking. Standing taller, I press my anxiety down. Fear is what people like this want. It gives them power, and they already have enough of that here. The right side of his cheek lifts into a small grin, as if he knows exactly what I’m attempting to mask. I glare in return, not fully hitting the mark. Instead, it’s more of a grimace.

I won’t let him think he has any control over me.

“Your Highness,” Ratilda says, drawing the mysterious man’s eyes away from me. “We didn’t realize you’d be joining us today.” Her voice shakes a little.

“I didn’t realize I needed to notify anyone of my plans. I thought it was high time I participated.”

“You’re going to bid today?” she says, eyes bulging. Based on her reaction, this is something new. Why now? What’s made him come to an auction he’s obviously not been to in a while?

“You never know.” He grins at her and she appears to relax.

“We’ve had better attended auctions in the past. Surely, you’d rather come when we have more of a selection,” she says, motioning at those of us on the stage as though we were a disgrace to her event.

“Do you wish me to leave?” His brow rises, a deep scowl marring his handsome face.

“Of course not, Crown. I wouldn’t, Crown. P-please forgive me.” He waves her off.

“Please, proceed with the auction.”

She begins to speak, and he lifts a hand, silencing her.

My stomach plummets. I suppose some naive part of me hoped he came to end this madness, but no. He’s here to watch. Or worse, bid.

His eyes meet mine once more and I do my best to show him how much I hate him and everything he stands for. I allow all the rage I’ve harbored for years come to the surface, pointing it directly at him. If my gaze could kill, he’d be dead on the spot.

His eyes narrow on me, searching, but for what I’ll never know. If he hopes to find forgiveness in me, he never will. I continue to level him with the most lethal glare I can muster and almost falter when he shakes his head slightly.

No, what? Don’t test him? Don’t fear him? What the fuck does he want from me?

That’s a question I won’t get an answer to as he turns his head and walks away.

Chapter Six

“I— Um, we’ll continue in a few short minutes. Those who have already made their choices, please see Ramsey in the great room.”

Ratilda runs her hands down her hips, smoothing out her skirt before walking briskly off the stage and toward the Crown. She’s visibly shaken. How can he evoke such fear from a woman who runs such an abhorrent business?

He’s the one actually running things.

My back aches and my muscles are tight from all the tension. Undoubtedly, the nights spent curled up on the dank, cold, concrete floor of the cell have made it all the more difficult for me to stand stock-still in this getup for what must have been hours.

The charming man looks me over one last time, then turns away. My body sags. With all eyes on his friend, I finally have a moment to rub my shoulder. I groan at the exquisite pain as I work out a knot.

“Psst.” I look over to the blonde standing next to me. “What’s going on?” she says. I lift my shoulders in answer. My wildest guess would probably be wrong at this point.

“Who is he?” Her voice is loud, but it goes unnoticed in the noise of the crowd. They are too consumed with the newcomers to give us a moment’s thought. The men and women gather around them, vying for their attention.