
Her head turns away from me, and that’s when I notice the bite marks on her shoulder.

“What happened to you?” I bellow. Her hands fly to her collarbone, shielding her wound.

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to, pet,” a frighteningly low voice speaks from the entrance of her cell.

She scampers backwards, but I sit frozen in place, taking in the tall, ghostly man in front of me. My eyes widen, and a chill runs down my spine at the evil standing in front of me.

“Let me see your neck,” the man roars angrily at the fragile-looking girl.

I cower at his ire, whimpering pathetically as we both shield ourselves from the man. I finally will myself to slink back as far away from him as possible.

“Ramsey!” the man yells. “Get in here.”

Another man approaches, his footsteps heavy and echoing off the walls.

“Stop the screaming, Sarcos. These walls aren’t that thick,” he chuckles.

“What the hell happened to her neck?”

“How should I know?” He raises his hands like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“You and I are the only ones cleared to be down here.” He glares in Ramsey’s direction. “If I didn’t touch her, that only leaves you. Now... what did you do?” His voice is lethal.

Ramsey seems to notice the seriousness of the situation and he stands up taller, so he looks down at the man he calls Sarcos.

“I did whatever I wanted to do, S. Do you have a problem with that?”

“If the Crown gets wind of this, we’ll be dead. You know we aren’t to touch the donors.”

Crown? Donors?

“Bah, the new Crown is soft. He doesn’t know the first thing about keeping us all sated. I take what I want.”

The sound of the girl’s door opening shakes away my questions about the man’s strange words. Seconds later, an overhead light illuminates the area in bright white. I rub my eyes to clear the stars caused by the intense light. My hands lower and finally, for the first time since I’ve been down in this dungeon, I can see everything clearly. The man who must be Sarcos saunters toward the small girl and begins to examine her, lifting her hand and watching it drop limply to her side. When he seems to be satisfied with his inspection, he goes to leave.

“She’ll live,” he says to Ramsey.

At that very moment, the girl springs forward, knocking Sarcos over the head with a metal water bowl. He’s momentarily dazed, giving her the benefit of a head start. It doesn’t last long, and in a matter of seconds he’s behind her, grabbing her neck and lifting her off the ground.

I shriek in fear of what’s to come, biting my lip so hard that the tang of copper coats my tongue. The events that occur in the moments after leave me paralyzed. She screams as the man bites into her neck, taking a chunk out of her skin. His mouth forms to the original wound and he gulps her blood greedily, lowering her body to the ground and feasting on her flesh until she’s no longer moving. Screams of terror burst through my shock. I’m shaking violently, my hands over my mouth smothering my screams.

Make it go away. Make it go away.

I repeat the words over and over in my mind.

All the nightmares of my childhood come together in one horrifying moment.

This isn’t real.

I try desperately to convince myself, like all the times before, that it’s all in my imagination, but this time, the visions aren’t vanishing. No matter how many times I blink, the monster in front of me won’t disappear.

“Enough, Sarcos. I don’t want a mess to clean up,” Ramsey chuckles.

The man stands, wiping his mouth to rid it of the girl’s blood.

“You won’t find a drop of blood,” he says snidely. “Now... go get food and water for the other. This was your fault, after all.” Ramsey mutters something under his breath, but he doesn’t argue.