I think back to our night together and heat floods my cheeks. The way his muscles rippled under my touch. The solid V that bled into his boxers. His impressive length—though I have nothing to compare it to. The whole thing was... magical, and I want so much more.

“I want him to bite me, Stacey.”

Her face is very serious. “You want to turn?”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t want to turn. It’s a conversation we haven’t had, but I never want to turn.”

“How is that going to work? I mean, at some point, you’ll die.”

I sigh, not wanting to have this conversation, but knowing it’s something I can’t avoid forever.

“I’m content being by his side until it doesn’t make sense anymore. I know that I’m going to age and at some point, he’s probably not going to be attracted to me.”

“Doubtful. That man has googly eyes for you.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that things will change as I age and he doesn’t. At that time, hopefully, he’ll have figured out a way to remove the mark that the Council has on me, and I can leave.”

“You could do that? You’d be willing to spend your whole life with him and walk away because you have wrinkles and grey hair?”

“I’ll leave before that. The thought of him looking at me differently makes me ill. I wouldn’t want to see his feelings change. But until then, I’m going to enjoy my time with him.”

“I think you’re crazy. That will never work. He won’t allow you to leave.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess.”

She’s frowning, clearly not agreeing with my plan. It’s not what I want, but it’s the obvious solution. I won’t turn, and he can’t age with me. What else is there to do?

“So, you want him to bite you?” she says, changing the subject. “That sounds... painful.” She scrunches her nose.

“He mentioned one time that a bite is sensual for both vampire and human. He made it sound like a very personal and sexual experience.” My cheeks heat, telling Stacey something so personal. Other than Maggie, I never shared such intimate information with anyone. Not even Shannon.

“I want that with him. Is that strange?”

She lifts her shoulders. “I don’t know. People are into all sorts of kinks. Even humans enjoy biting at times. Guess you’re just one hell of a freak,” she snickers. “He’s unleashed something in you.”

“Dear God,” I cry, shielding my face in embarrassment.

“Oh, come on. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s normal. Go for it.”

Lowering my hands, I consider what Stacey is saying. She’s right; I’ve heard of couples doing all sorts of things during sex. How is this any different? I’m consenting to trying something my partner enjoys. What could be wrong with that?Something could go wrong, and you could die.

I push that thought out of my mind. Julian would never hurt me. I trust him. Tonight, I’m going for it.

Looking at the clock, I see we’re running out of time. I came here to tell Stacey about my surprise, and somehow, we squirreled away from that subject.

“You need to get ready. We’re going to a party tomorrow night, and Julian is taking us to lunch and shopping today.”

“Are you serious?” Stacey yells in excitement. “I mean, you’re for real?”

I laugh. “Yes. It’s already in motion. He’s going to pick us up in thirty minutes, so you need to get ready.”

“I’ll be to your room in fifteen,” she screeches, running toward her bathroom.

* * *

We’re driving with the top down, wind blowing through my hair. My head is thrown back in laughter as Stacey mimics the scene fromTitanicat the front of the boat. We’re carefree and enjoying life. A couple of months ago, this wouldn’t have been in the realm of possibility. Yet here we are, sitting in the backseat of a red BMW convertible—just like I imagined—with a vampire in the driver seat.

It’s eighty degrees, perfect weather. The sun is shining down on us, and we are basking in it. Julian has a baseball cap pulled low over his forehead, shielding him from the sun, along with a grey long-sleeved Henley shirt.