“We have to make a pit stop at a club. It’s not your normal club, Marina. It’s—”

“Crazy,” Vzar cuts in. “There will be vampires everywhere drinking from humans.”

My eyes go wide and my face pales. “I-I can’t do it. I can’t watch that.”

“It’s not what you think. The humans that are there want to be. New Orleans is a very different town, Marina. Will you trust me?”

I nod, because nothing I can say would sound like I truly trust him. My knees are wobbly and my hands are shaking. Being in a room surrounded by vampires sounds anything but safe. In the end, it doesn’t sound like we have a choice, and in truth, I do trust Julian. He’ll keep me safe. I hope.

Vzar leads us down a sidewalk, the crowd on the street thinning with every step we take. Eyes dart in our direction, but Julian and Vzar remain facing forward. Neither of them speaks, which doesn’t help my nerves. After a while, the streetlights begin to fade, and the night swallows us whole. In alleyways, there are people making out or doing other unsavory things, but they don’t pay us any mind, and we continue on.

Eventually, a large warehouse appears to our right. Julian ushers me toward it, and a feeling of dread fills me. When we get to the massive doors, Vzar bangs his fist twice. A slot opens and a pair of eyes surveys us from behind the door.

“Magnus, you ass, let us in.” The man on the other side chuckles a deep, rumbling laugh and the door bangs open. Red lights and music filter out.

“Welcome to La Luxure Levine.” Vzar motions with his hands for us to go first.

The moment we’re through the door and it’s closed on us, my senses are on overload. The room is dark. The only light comes from a few sparse candles and the red strobe lights that work around the room. A sensual bass thrums beneath my feet, snaking its way up my body. The smell of sex is heavy in the air. When my eyes adjust, the reason is evident. Bodies are everywhere, gyrating together.This is a sex club?

My eyes narrow in on one couple and a gasp gets caught in my throat. The man has his head in the girl’s neck, drinking from her. The most concerning part is that she appears to be enjoying it. Her head is thrown back, and she’s licking her lips and moaning.

“What’s going on?” I ask Julian over the noise of the music.

He eyes me warily. “This is a place vampires of New Orleans come to... enjoy human interaction.”

“What does that even mean?”

“They come here to have sex and drink,” Vzar explains, not sugarcoating it at all.

My cheeks warm at the imagery. There are no exposed body parts, but hands are in places they shouldn’t be in public, tongues are down throats, and moans and grunts surround me. The lust is thick in the air and it spins around me, beckoning me to succumb.

No matter how little experience I have, my body reacts. Wetness pools between my legs and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. My eyes meet Julian’s and his nostrils flare.Oh God. Does he know how I’m feeling?My breath hitches at the heat in his gaze. It’s as if endorphins and oxytocin are being pumped through the room. Julian’s hand shoots out, grabbing mine and pulling me toward the back.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine, Julian. I’m not such a prude that this would bother me. Nobody here is being tortured,” I say, lifting my brow and pursing my lips. Indeed, everyone here is enjoying themselves. Immensely.

“I’m so sorry, Ma—”

His words are cut off and his eyes widen at something behind me. I turn my head to see a beautiful, exotic woman approaching. Going straight to Julian, the woman embraces him.

“Mon amour, tu es ici.”

All I could make out from that was my love. I speak very little French, but the fact she called him her love makes me queasy.

“Addy, I didn’t realize you were in town,” Julian says affectionately. The way he looks at her—so familiar, so intimate—makes my stomach plummet. There’s history there, and I’m not sure I want to know anything about it.

“I just got into town. I’m so glad to see you, Jude.”

Jude. I haven’t heard anyone call him that but his brother, and the smile he wears for her guts me.

I clear my throat, trying to unclog the bile lodged there.

Julian turns, remembering I’m here for the first time since Miss Exotic showed up.

“Marina, this is Adèle Dupré, a very good friend.”

“Oh, Jude, don’t be so casual. I’m his very best friend.” She smiles widely, showcasing a row of brilliantly white teeth. Julian grins in response.