“That made the national news,” Stacey says. “Your people are getting sloppy.”

“They are not my people,” Law declares. “I’ll get to the bottom of this, Marina. You have my word.”

A sweat breaks out across my forehead, hands shaking and legs bouncing in unrestrained nerves, as I do my best to not break out into hysterical tears. What could have happened to Shannon? Is she all right? Have vampires taken her? Could she be dead?

The last thought makes my heart thump loudly and my throat go dry.

Stacey comes to me, pulling me into her side. “Law will find her,” she promises, petting my hair in a soothing motion. He has to. If they have her, this is my fault—again.

Chapter Twenty-One

By Sunday night, Julian has come back and Law has returned to his home. I’m pacing my room, waiting for word about Shannon, when my door creaks open and Katina pops her head around the doorframe. “May I come in?” she asks, sounding unsure.

I motion with my hand for her to enter.

“Where’s Julian? Has he come to the estate yet?” I spit questions rapid fire, wanting to speak with him immediately. If Law hasn’t found anything out about Shannon, Julian will.

“He’s at his home,” she says, tipping her head up and watching me closely.

“Go get him,” I demand. “I need to speak with him now.”

Her head moves back and forth. “He’s asked me to come retrieve you. Stacey is dining in her room tonight. Lawrence left the television for her, so she’ll be entertained all evening.”

She doesn’t move, but continues to stand here, staring at me.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go.” I walk past her, heading out the door, when her next question stops me in my tracks.

“Is something happening between you and the Crown?”

I turn slowly, not sure what to say to Katina. She’s been good to me—a friend when I’ve needed one—but am I ready to admit to her what I’m feeling for Julian? “Nothing is happening between us. My friend is missing, and I need his help in finding her.”

Katina’s eyes narrow as she bites on the inside of her cheeks. “Be careful, Marina. This world is dangerous—especially for a human. You don’t want to get yourself caught in the crossfire of the warring families. It won’t end well.”

I know she’s right. It’s what I’ve feared from the beginning. Julian and I come from two different worlds, but right now none of that matters. I have to try to help Shannon.

“Please take me to him.”

* * *

I’ve been over the details of the news report three times with Julian.

“Does this have something to do with me?” I question, feeling like it has to. Why would vampires continue to stalk girls from the same small town? Easy prey? Perhaps, but my gut tells me it’s more.

“Maybe,” he admits. “But I don’t know. I haven’t run the auction. That’s Marcellus.”

“Take me to him,” I demand, ready for a showdown with the creepy brother. “I have to know if his men have her. If this has something to do with me, I need to see him. She isn’t involved with this.”

“We don’t know if this has anything to do with you. By confronting Marcellus, we are only opening up Pandora’s Box,” Julian says. “This needs to be handled with care. If they have her and we go about it the wrong way, it will ensure her death.”

I grab at my hair, pulling at the roots, frustrated and tired, yet ready for a fight.

“What do I do, Julian? How do I help her?”

He pulls me into his arms, blanketing me in the comfort that only he can provide.

“We wait. We strategize. And when the time is right, we act.” He lifts my chin so that our eyes meet. “Can you trust me with this? Let me handle it and keep you both safe.”

A tear glides down my cheek. The feeling of helplessness is so intense, it threatens to crumble me.